LF Guild Raid/M+

Looking for Raiding Guild. Have several characters available to gear for upcoming tier. 2/8 Mythic. Currently have geared Enh Sham and Blood DK. Also have max level Hunter, Mage, Druid. Currently on EST and would prefer raid times here.


Hey Tibo we’re looking for more people you would be our 12th and if you don’t mind staying on your Ench shaman we would super love to have you.

Hi, our guild’s tldr:
laid back and fun first mentality guild here, still 2/8M (terros 0.5%) in a month of raiding, will try and raid till the last day of next season in hopes of CE.
raids are tue/thr 8-11pm EST
can guarantee keys going in discord every night.
Discord : TAL#3021