LF guild player since vanilla just came back

Hey I’m looking for active guild , just came back to game have played since vanilla. I have multiple alts also Priest - druid -mage -rogue -monk -dk etc.
My home server is uldum

First, Thank you for looking at our Spam! If you have questions, Please contact me directly Frozenwing#1670 on Bnet… or frozenwing#0516 on Discord.

7/9H 1/9M

Recruitment Needs

Right now we are open to all classes and specs. Our primary Recruitment goal ATM is to find SOLID Raiders to add to our Roster / Family.

About Us

We are of Durotan/Ysera . We are a Mythic Raiding Guild with a goal of CE. The guild has been around since Vanilla and was the result of a merging in the two top guilds on the server. With no plans to go anywhere. We are mostly former hardcore raiders that simply cannot raid 4-5 nights a week anymore due to Family / Career / etc… So we decided to raid on the weekends. And have been ever since MoP.

Raid Times (All Times Are Eastern)

Tuesday (optional): 8PM until about 10PM (heroic / farm content only) [Normal / heroic when applicable]
Friday (progression): 7:45PM until 11PM
Saturday (progression): 7:45PM until 11PM

Contact Us

Please contact me with any and all questions you may have… you can catch me on my bnet anytime… or on discord at the information im leaving below.

Frozenwing-Durotan (Guild Master) [Frozenwing#1670 - Bnet] or [Frozenwing#0516 - Discord]
Killerthings#1670 bnet - recruitment assistant.
Tristaris-Durotan (Officer)

Thank you, Looking forward to hearing from you.

Frozenwing -GM

<Goonies Never Say Wipe> 

of Zul’Jin Horde is now recruiting.

Most of the current team are former semi-hardcore/hardcore raiders who used to raid 3+ nights a week. As we’ve gotten older, we’re less willing to treat WoW like a full time job but we still want to see the content. Our current one night a week raid schedule is perfect for that. This is a great group for “retired” raiders, college students, or others who want to experience the content with good players but without the heavy time commitment.

We are currently are looking for any exceptional players of all class and Spec.
Casuals are also always welcome.

We raid one day a week on Sundays from 6 to 10pm EST.
We also have an optional/alt raid Saturday nights at 7:30.

We have some kooky personalities in our guild and we are looking for people we will get along with. A great sense of sick & depraved humor, thick skin, and willingness to put the group first are all required. Also, many of the players in our guild come from former semi-hardcore/hardcore backgrounds and we are looking for people with high output and good raid awareness for our daily Mythic + Runs.

Please note: alts are welcome! If you are a serious raider that raids during the week on your main and you have an alt you’d like to get a fun once a week group for, this is the perfect opportunity for you if this sounds like a good fit for you add me on Btag Mako#1649

Welcome back! Pls check us out.

Current raid progression:

Red Team RL: Myiras - 2/8M Uldir, 7/9H BoD, 1/9M BoD. Tue/Thur, 8-11PM CST .

Blue Team RL: Chispera : 2/8M Uldir, 4/9H BoD. Sat/Sun, 2-5PM CST .

Note: Now looking for ranged DPS, ASAP! Warlocks, Boomkins, and Shadow Priests are highly preferred, we’re looking to fill 5 slots!

We have new raids leads with cutting edge experience looking to push us towards a full time mythic raiding team. Looking for players who show up on time raid ready that understand what it takes to achive mythic progression. Please be prepared to share your logs and experience.

We run raider key groups on Fridays between the two teams and then there are several guildies that run push m+ groups throughout the week and weekends.

Deathwing was our home for many years and expansions. However, due to a decreasing population and depleted talent pool for raiding - we packed our bags and headed to Korgath. Since our move, we have progressed through heroic/mythic raiding .

If you’re interested, Please message any of our Officers for more information.

Zaffre : Zaffre#1380
Fasra : Fasra#1208
Myiras : Myirk#1216
Chispera : Crazylady#11182

Hi Tondrill

Dungeon Crawl is an Adult Raiding Guild on Illidan with a long history. Looking for players round out the Team.{5/9 Heroic 9/9 Normal } Experienced Raiders 380+ Raid Times T/TH 8-11 est. Fun Raiding while Progressing.

Get in touch with Mandalin #1731