[A] Final Attempt. REROLL March 1st. Sargeras

I approve. Looking forward to this

Wall of text. Looking for some more people that want a fresh start and focus on heroic.


This sounds really fun!

When can i get an invite? Seems fun. Lets kill some bosses!!!

Grabbing some recruits today! Starting to flow in!

Sounds good to me, was in a reroll not too long ago on Sargeras that kinda fell apart being absorbed into another guild like 3 days in. Finished leveling my toon but wasn’t “feeling it” with the new group and what happened. For Healers you seem to have four, are the raid spots competitive? So if I roll a healer there would be a shot for a spot if I out perform the other healers? See ya and thanks.

Hey Jovaak, sorry for the late response! Yes all spots are competitive so if you perform better you would get a raiding spot.

Also if you can flex heal for us and dps main spec that’s always an option as well.

Hit us up for discord server invites!

Like a treasure from a sunken pirate wreck
Scrub the deck and make it look

Guild is Made.

Need some ranged dps!

All DPS spots open atm. Get it folks!

Still Looking for more!

Moar people!

One week until start!

Good Morning!

Good morning! How is the reroll going? What are the dps classes you still need?
feel free to add me on bnet @

Still looking for more!