I have not done any roleplay since around WoD. I got my feet wet in a little guild on Emerald Dream and really enjoyed the experience. Looking to get that going again at some point in TWW.
I have a few alliance characters I’ve made on Moonguard in hope of finding a group to play with. What I’m looking to do is join or start an adventure type guild. The idea would be to have small campaigns to start with. Maybe we all create a story or how are little band of adventurers got their start, where they are based out of, how they met and how long have they been operating together.
The roleplay will be short one offs most likely. Pick a zone, create a mission or task that needs to be done, and have some enemies planned. The events can be planned out or we can just improv them a bit. They can go multiple nights or be done in a few hours! We would use a type or roll based combat (we can all decide on how we want to do it) for our adventures! Maybe the group/guild will evolve having its own origin story that we played out :).
Outside of this, actual content in the game I’m interested in would be dungeons and the new delves, small group / solo content seems to fit my needs more nowadays. Maybe some casual pvp as well.
Let me know if you are interested and I’ll add you so we can get a social group formed to discuss the plan.
You guys have a great TWW release!