Hello all!
I am looking for a AOTC / M+ guild on Stormrage to keep it short and sweet.
Character Name: Spacemarines-Stormrage.
Time Zone: EST
Raid Days: Weekends pref. but depending on the time and what days, weekdays could work.
Looking For:
A very social and active guild that clears content at a decent pace. People who stay on discord rather than instantly disappear when raid is over until the next raid session. A lot of guild recruiters seem to lie on their resume when they mention “active guilds” lol! I don’t have any real desire to raid at a mythic level, thank you though.
Current Info:
AOTC for this season.
Sitting on 2663 io mostly casual pugging. I have all my portals.
I have a few wow buddies we meet up every year irl somewhere in the U.S. and hang out together etc. I raid with a few of their guilds whenever they have room etc.
Feel free to check out WL or IO for more details and post up here.