LF Guild! - Moon Guard (Server)

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LF Guild! - Moon Guard (Server)

I’m a very active player returning after sometime; however, I took part of this summer to catch up on all the stuff I needed too, and well, now I’m well-geared and just about up to speed with everything.

I’m a super social prospective guild mate.
I really enjoy the lore, questing, adventure, and just about every aspect of the wow! Haha, I’d go as far to say that I can see myself really being a super awesome boost to any guild! Just looking for the right one. Oh and I’m totes mega social.

Azeroth Circus is looking for more to push content with us in TWW! We are newly formed and are a circus themed RP-PvE/PvP guild. We run Mythic+, BGs, Arenas, Legacy raids and events weekly. We’re laid back and very chill just simply looking for more socially active members to fill our raiding and rated pvp spots. Let me know if this sounds good. Siyue#11718