LF Guild | Horde | I am old and have always been terrible at WoW

I’ve been playing on and off since beta. In all that time, I never gained skill playing the many of dozens of characters that I’ve leveled to max as my play is casual at best. To sweeten the pot, I am Gen X and so all of my cultural touchstones are moldering to irrelevance.

Still, I like to RP and enjoy the social aspects of guilds, and I hope to find one that I might tag along with. I prefer Horde but I have characters of both factions.

Any takers?


What sort of races do you generally prefer?

Hello, fellow Gen Xer; what kinds of rp guilds are you looking for? There are a number of active rp guilds on the Horde with its fair share of players who are 30+.

Another one chiming in to say hello.

Hi all! Thanks for the help!

I am race agnostic as I play many alts simultaneously. I am leveling a blood elf DH to 70 so I can open up the allied races.

As far as rp, I love to make eccentric, flavorful characters. I am happy with d20 stuff, but can’t do the always-walking thing (if that’s still a thing). Despite playing WoW for many years, its own lore never really stuck, and so rp that is inward facing to the fiction of the game isn’t exactly compelling to me. Guilds building their own lore is much more attractive.

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That makes sense. You can find a lot of guilds who fight that ticket. There’s a small Horde community on Moon Guard that has a tight knit community and usually consists around scheduled events, many of which include server events with multiple guilds. If you’re interested in Moon Guard, I know there’s discords you can join and guild’s like War Wolves, Undercity Nexcus, and a few others!

There is a larger Horde scene on Wyrmrest Accord, in which they have much more frequent walk-up scene, specifically around Silvermoon and Orgrimmar. I’m a member of Shadowtusk Clan, which is an all troll Horde Guild based on both Warcraft lore and homebrewed headcanon. We have d20 3-5 times a week, group roleplay, and an active community. We are unfortunately not on Moon Guard. If you’re interested in Trolls, I’d say check us out

shadowtusk. com

Awesome! Thanks!

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