LF GUILD ally or horde ty

Hey guys,
Returning player looking for a casual raiding guild. I have been in mythic guilds previous but since having twins and getting old i dont have the time for 3 nights per week. Open to all offers really looking for a great atmosphere thanks!

Madness Rising is recruiting for 8.2 Raid team. We are horde on barthilas. Monday and Wednesday. 8 till 11pm server time. Add me if you would like to have a chat.
Bnet Asuna#13819


‘hemingways gun’ is always looking for folk. We’re on Khaz/Dath. We raid one night a week on Sunday’s from 8 till 11. A lot of us are like you, time wise, but are long term players who still enjoy it. We’re a tight knit guild who started raiding in Wrath.

Hit me up on Xaki#1258 if you want to chat about it.

Notorious. New guild. Still building towards a raid team.
Looking for all classes and levels, and will push toward M+ and Raids as we get the player base.
Find me on Frostmourne, or add me on Bnet - Cornellious#1289

Hi there, check us out: Delete Please - #4 by Monkeye-caelestrasz

We might be what you are looking for!

Hey Bungalow,

Welcome back to the game. Regenesis is a Horde raiding guild on Saurfang that focuses on heroic raid content. We are currently looking for more DPS and healers for our core raiding team moving into 8.2. You sound like just the player we are looking for =)

We raid twice a week on Wed & Sun at 8 pm - 10 pm (GMT+8). If that schedule works for you, feel free to pm Irza#1306 or Gekkogirl#1482 via Bnet for a chat.


Sneaky Pete Is a newly formed guild Horde on Cal/Nagrand and we are recruiting to build & gear our raid team for 8.2 and run regular M+ groups. Bnet Chellz#11828 :slight_smile:

Hi Bungalow

Bin chickens is a casual but competent heroic only guild recruiting more for 8.2.

We raid Thu/Mon 8-11pm.

Check our post for more details.



[A - Saurfang] Cryptic: Active Raiding & PvP guild recruiting more members who are interested in Raiding, FUNgeons (Fun Dungeons for those that dont know), PvP etc.

Socials, casuals and levelers always welcome.

Raid nights are Mon & Wed. 7:30 - 10:30 PM ST.
Current Prog as of 23/6/19: 9/9H BoD, 2/2N 1/2H CoS
Recruiting specifically DPS and Tanks.

PvP Madness Saturday nights 8PM ST onwards.
- Includes: warmode adventures, premade random BGs, Rated BGs, and a lot of drinking

Mythic+'s and Arenas are run throughout the week.

Find us ingame via /who cryptic or msg me directly on Kaleiya.

Hope you have an awesome day!

Hey there!
Ataxyia on Barthilas (H) might be just what your looking for! raiding wed/thurs 7.30-10.30pm SVT We are a very active guild full of friendly/social people with a good sense of humor.
M+ on a daily basis, ‘drunk run’ raid on friday nights open for all, and some PVP fun on the side also!
Feel free to add me on BNET for a chat if this may be of interest to you :slight_smile:

Hi there Bungalow, did you find a home yet?

“Wipe it up” (A-Saurfang) is looking for more; we went 4/9M before the roster boss got us. We’re in the process of putting our team back together, so nearly any class/spec is welcome.

We raid Wed-Thu from 20:00 to 23:00 AEST. If these times suit, hit me up on Malachie#1815 or Sky_Paladin#7635 (disc). Best of luck and hope to hear from you soon.