LF Guild - 10/12M Hpal

Hello there. Recently my guild disbanded due to some unfortunate drama so I am looking for a raiding guild. I can make anytime but I prefer to not raid more than 2 days a week, and I don’t want both days on the weekend. I am currently 10/12M on an Hpal and am planning to stick with hpal moving into Shadowlands. I am hoping to find a guild with like minded individuals that want to kill bosses and have fun doing it. I’m really big into M+ so enjoying that side of content is a big plus as well. Any other questions don’t be afraid to hit me up on either btag or bnet.

bnet - Drockk#11656
discord - Drockk#5624

Greetings Drockadin,


Progression: 12/12 N, 12/12 H, 5/12 M

Raid times: Tues and Thursday 9pm-Midnight EST

Hello, I am the Raid Lead for Incompetence Inc. We are a Horde guild on Area 52 (in the US).

I was the Raid Lead of a 10/11 M Antorus guild in Legion. That guild has since been dissolved and I, plus a few other players from that team have started anew
in 8.3.

We are searching for players that are looking to transition from Heroic raiders to Mythic raiders. We made that transition last expansion, and we can help you make that transition as well. Our goal is Cutting Edge, but we are keeping our expectations realistic.

Please submit your application on https://forms.gle/YwG6o3XSk8onZj4q6

copy and past the link into your browser to apply.

Recruitment Officer Battle Tag: Twisedzap#1714

Who We Are

Inferiority is a new guild of CE and veteran raiders on Area-52 looking to build a raid team to finish this tier of BFA and get ready to crush Shadowlands while achieving Cutting Edge. We are looking for like minded and skilled players who are interested in progression raiding on a light, 3 day schedule.

As stated, we are a freshly formed guild. We are looking to fill all roles in the team. If you are a veteran raider, previous AOTC/CE raider who is in need of a new start or are coming back from a break, we are the guild for you!

Raid Times

Tues/Thurs/Sun 10:00p-1:00a EST
(Sunday dropped after progression)

What We're Looking For

Tanks : High (Pref. Blood DK, Prot Warrior, Brewmaster, DH)

If you’re interested drop us your battle tag or add any of our officers to talk!


Hi, I am still searching for a home :slight_smile:

Hi Drock,

I know your post says you’d prefer to not raid on both days on the weekends, but I figured I’d post just in case there’s any flexibility there. Pandamonium is a 10/12M Alliance guild on Magtheridon that’d be interested in having you. We raid 7-10pm EST Sat/Sun. Just in case, here’s the spam:

Good luck finding your new home!

Formerly [A] on Lightbringer, we are now on [H] on the Illidan Server. TC was founded on May 2005 and have been a top guild from inception, obtaining most cutting edges. We are getting most of the core guild members back so you can expect a guild with seasoned leadership, a relaxed and fun raid environment full of skillful individuals.
We are rebuilding for Shadowlands but we have enough interest to start within the next few weeks. We are still planning to mythic raid and complete Nyalotha. In the coming weeks we are looking to heroic raid, any mythics we can do and possible BoD Mount runs.
We are raiding Tues & Weds 9:30-12:30am EST. We will have an optional run on Sundays at the same time which we normally use for Alt Nights, Sales or Normal/Heroic when deep into Mythic Prog, but we may be utilizing it to help catch up just this tier.
This is the first reset we will be running our full T/W/Su schedule (Previously only doing 1 day ) so were hoping to quickly push our progression higher and work on harder bosses. As of tonight we are 5/12M
We have some raiders that have been mythic raiding this tier in guilds that are 9-12/12M.
Recruitment Needs:
Disc Priest
Even if we are not looking for your class we always accept any exceptional applicants that feel they would be a good fit!
If you have any questions please feel free to reach out to anyone in leadership
GM Xellos BTag Xellos#1969 Discord Xellos#3150
Officer Llunai Btag Lunana#1345 Discord Luna#8650
Officer Ghostyy BTag Ghosty#1481 Discord Ghosty#0330
Go to our WowProgress or PM one of us for a Discord link to apply!

Hi Drockadin, <Nobility> is an Alliance late-night raiding guild on Kel’Thuzad server, whose core has been raiding together since Wrath times, is recruiting for some fun. We raid Tue/Wed/Thu from 11pm to 2am server time (which is 10pm - 1am PST or 1am - 4am EST). An we would like you to consider joining us.

Current progression is:

  • Ny’alotha: 9/13M 12/12H

Point form about us:

  1. We raid late night.

  2. We’re semi-hardcore: we value progression but also balance it with RL.

  3. Our raid leader isn’t a frat boy on a power trip; but we also enforce performance, politely but effectively.

  4. We don’t recruit for the bench. Spots are always competitive. It is your performance and attendance alone that will determine your spot - not how much officers like you.

  5. We’re quite stable, having been raiding together, non-stop, since the start of WoD.

Looking for more details? Contact us and ask away! Or check us out on wowprogress.

How to contact us?

Choose one of the following:

  • Contact Charodey#5945, Barlar#7769 or Card#4137 on Discord.

  • Visit discord.gg/pzwdmc5 and fill out a short app.

  • Add Volshebnik#1818 or Barlar#1928 or on Bnet.

  • Post here, leaving your battletag.

  • Contact Charodey, Barlar, Cardeah or Doesupz on Kel’Thuzad in-game.

  • Write one of us an in-game mail.

[A] [Stormrage]
< Continuum >
8/8M Uldir
9/9M BoD
8/8M Eternal Palace
11/12M Ny’alotha

We are looking for people of semi-hardcore mentality/EXP wanting to clear Mythic raids.
(By semi-hardcore we simply mean we get in and get stuff done, not smashing our face in 20+hr raid weeks)

Raid Schedule:
Tuesday/Wednesday/Thursday; 7:30pm-10pm PST (9:30-12 CST/ 10:30pm-1am EST)

Mage/ Holy Pally/Shammy (Resto or Ele)/ Warlock/Hunter/Resto Druid

We are always looking for excellent players that are able to show up to raid prepared and on time. We will always consider exceptional applications.

For more information please add one of our battle tags/discords

Jeankrlo#1143 - Btag
Jeancarlo#2728 - Disc