LF Goblins!

hello! I’ve always wanted to rp my Goblin but had him on the back burner for a while… Are there any Goblin-centric or crime RP guilds that are active and looking for members? thank you in advance!

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Man oh man did you come to the right server. You can’t throw a rock in any direction without hitting a Goblin guild or Goblin-centric guild…which is a good thing! You have plenty of options to choose from here. Firebrand Enterprises is the first one that comes to mind, but there’s plenty of others here as well.


thank you, i appreciate it! I saw something about them, but wanted to find a few more to compare!

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So off the top of my head…

Gearpunk Dynamics is almost entirely goblin. Run by a goblin. Mostly goblin leadership and membership too! Not criminal though.

Frostbite Contingent is led by a goblin and has lots of goblins in the upper management, but a fairly diverse collection of folks. They’re a mercenary company.

The Oyster Business is a criminal enterprise operating behind a front. I haven’t seen them as active lately, but that could totally be on me! However, I think they might be exactly what you’re looking for!

And of course I saved the best for last (obviously no bias here :roll_eyes:), but might I suggest Firebrand Enterprises? We don’t really market ourselves as goblin-centric, but we have quite a few- including the boss. We’re always hiring!

There’s also a couple of Goblin discords. Click the links to join.

The Goblin Coliseum.

Quickfuse Cartel.

And then there’s the Gadgezan Gazette, but you have to be invited there by a moderator I think. I believe Keelhaul runs that one, so you’d have to contact them!

Welcome to the server!


Quickfuse Cartel is a guild on Emerald Dream, I believe. I’m not sure they want people coming into that one?

Gadgetzan Gazette discord forum post.


thank you so much! you guys are all so nice! I’ll look into these and figure out which one I should join-- I really appreciate it!

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I got an invite so long ago I forgot why, and every once in a while they do cross server/faction stuff. There’s a couple other names I recognize from WrA over there unde the friend rank.

Just throwing whatever to the wall and seeing what sticks!