LF glad wins partners!

hello forums. holy priest currently 2410cr, looking for fun people to grind out glad wins with. i have a very flexible work schedule. battle net is zersa#21346 ty =)


Sent ya a btag request :slight_smile:

I can help if ya like boomy comps! I can’t get on until Saturday but I’ll be on that night.


I like boomy comps :pleading_face:

I mean anyone is free to add :stuck_out_tongue: I’ll play with whomever.

free glad bommy comps lol.

Ill q witchu

Another healer we helping? Lol

Maybe :stuck_out_tongue: I got my week off starting Thursday night! Well I work Saturday days for OT but I can play Thursday night, then sat-Thursday night again. So we should push man.

I helped someone else last time I was on but I still got him parked at 25.

Let’s go, my dh is on the come up. Lol

Lol well I hit an alt boomy too. He’s necro though.

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All good, just want games honestly lol.

Well, hit me up. I’m always down to queue. It’s all I do lol.

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Sounds good. I’ll add when I get home from work