LF friendly social guild

Hello! I’m a looking for a friendly guild to join to make my iso/social distancing a little more social during this weird time. I’ve played WoW on and off for 6 or so years but never got into serious playing or raiding (willing to learn especially for SL provided its in a fun way).

My main is usually a healer (horde) but I decided to try my hand at DPS when I reactivated my sub a few months ago and enjoying it so far so will stick around for a while.

Looking for a guild to play through older content for t’mogs and just generally have fun with. Mid-late 20’s and based in Sydney so would prefer a more mature guild, preferably with a dischord. Work 9-5 and study post-grad but usually play most evenings and some weekends. Hit me up if you’re willing to play with an old/noob :slight_smile:

Play on Caelestrasz.


Hey there! Friendly and social are our specialties.
We are unfortunately not on your server, but if you were interested in maybe rolling a toon on Frostmourne, or one its now connected realms, then come say hello!

hiya! we’re super social and fun-loving over at The Last Melon!
we are a semi-hardcore guild but we also enjoy old content and achievement runs, as well as teaching new/returning players and just over all helping out. if you want to check us out and see if we are the guild for you, send a request to FrankWalker#11939 :smiley:


We at Papaflessas (Nagrand) are a bunch of returning WOW players looking to banter up for this expansion. We do PVE/PVP/Mythics - live in Melb and we all work 9-5. Let us know if you would be keen.