LF Fizzyl, Shadow Priest and Engineer extraordinaire

Long shot, but I used to play with Fizzyl of Aggramar a few years ago - he was a Shadow Priest (sometimes disc) and Engineer and had a group of friends in a guild called Dread Pirate. I had to leave WoW for various reasons and lost touch. He’s an awesome guy both in and out of game and I would love to find out how he’s doing.


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Fizzyl was good people. Super fun, another person in that guild was Puzzlepirate, really good rogue from back then. Hope you find Fizzyl! Miss a bunch of people from back then

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Good luck, haven’t heard that name in a long time. These forums are pretty dead though

I remember Fizzyl! I never really played with him but I enjoyed his presence on the forums, and in Orgrimmar. I recently saw a Priest named Fyzzil (I think) and thought it may be him, but they were Alliance. There’s been a few old Aggy players I’ve run into from back in the day, I hope you find him.