Either faction
Can honestly play any healer to w/e skillcap that is expected
very high xp player who is just honestly tired of pvp and need to change things up.
Sat-Sun-Mon-Tues is prime gaming for me but can honestly play w/e days if the start/finish time lines up with life
dad gamer [42] married with 2 kiddos. super chill with a ton of knowledge
Yo! We are currently looking for 1 healer. Check us out!
Discord contacts:
If youre open to tue/wed 830-1130 easter, and you have mythic raid exp, id love to talk
Mortiia6352 on disc
Hey War,
I’m looking for a healer for our Normal Raid team and M+. Our people that like to push stuff do KSM, some go to +20s, We run the raid in normal so that as many people in the guild that want to see the content can see it without turning the game into a job. Most of us have done that and just aren’t there any more. Our raids run 8-10 eastern Sunday nights, M+ runs most any other evening. Outside of those times we have people that collect and just enjoy the game, so there’s almost always somebody on to chat with for that community environment.
Reformation is now a mixed Alliance/Horde guild on the Shadow Council, Blackwater Raiders, Sisters of Elune and Cenerian Circle server hub.
If you want to see more info about our player base, you can check Reformation (Shadow Council) on Raider io.
My BNet is Samvimes#11432 if you’d like to chat and find out more about us.
that btag says it invalid
is recruiting we are an aotc focused guild that raids thurs and sun 8-11 eastern. We are 7 of 9 right now in normal and hopefully finish up normal tonight and then start work in Heroic. Super casual guild made up of people from all different skill levels. Range is anywhere from mythic raid experience to this is their first expansion. We do Mythic plus throughout the week. If your interested message me on discord lostmoonofpoosh#1948 or on Bnet Green#1420
check incoming request
Heya. We are a chill, social guild that understands the need to balance WoW and IRL. Most of our members are in their 30s and 40s with kids and real life commitments. You will never catch flack for prioritizing life over WoW. Below are out details. Sounds like you may be a great fit for our guild.
Hi. RoastedQuail US–Lightninghoof (Connected Realms - Lightninghoof, Maelstrom, Ravenholdt, The Venture Co, Twisting Nether) is a longstanding, active AOTC guild dating back to Vanilla. We are a tightknit, social group engaging in a wide variety of endgame content including Normal and Heroic Raid, Mythic+, PVP, Achievements, and spamming Discord with otter memes.
We raid Tuesdays & Wednesdays 8-10pm EST, and run Mythic+ Mondays and throughout the week.
Needs: Newer and veteran players alike. Players new to raiding and Mythic+ are welcome. All roles and specs welcome. We value player enjoyment over meta specs. For raid, available roles are DPS and Healing though Tanks with Off-Specs are more than welcome. For Mythic+, run what you love. We have members running keys at varying levels (+2 – 20s and beyond) all week long.
Expectations: No Toxicity. Be kind, be decent. Raiders should have good attendance, team oriented attitude, the ability to communicate on Discord, must use DBM/Bigwigs and Weak Auras, focus on your role, have a positive attitude, patience and growth mindset while we progress as a guild, good sense of humor, and a desire to have fun.
If interested, hit me up on my Discord (fintem84#5169) or Bnet (fintem1259#1488), and we can chat. No need to immediately jump servers or join guild, just come chill with us in Discord, check out raid or keys, wreck some mobs, and have fun.
Unbound Eternals is growing!
We are a relaxed, goal-oriented group that loves to progress as far as we can while still preserving the spirit of fun. We are looking to get into some Mythic this patch!
Experience: 8/9N
We are an active home for:
- Mythic Key Pushers
- Arena Pushers
- RBG Teams
- Casual pet/Mount Collectors
- Crafting Enthusiasts
We are a mostly 21+ group (a few outliers) that realize this is a game to have fun and down some bosses and bust up some battlegrounds.
Our current schedule for 10.1 is:
- Weds/Thurs 7pm-9pm cst (server time)
High need for:
1 heals, with ability to flex dps on farm bosses
3 of the following: mage (high need), destro/demo lock , spriest, devoker
1 DH
1 Warrior
We also do fun alt, xmog, and achievement runs throughout the week and weekend.
Contact via Discord
Allegrata: Allegrata#5270
Stupiddart: SthrnRebel#7123
Dingo: RatedD4Dingo#3373
Callmealice: Quora#1337
Would love to have a conversation with you! Narcel#1956 in battle.net, or on Discord at Narcelios#8071 We need 1-2 more healers for our mythic roster to attack this tier hard! Hope to hear from you soon.
Hey, wanted to reach out to see if you would be interested in our guild. We are an older crowd, late 30’s and up. We understand RL comes first as most of us have families/kids/jobs, stuff comes up and we understand that. Currently we are raiding Thur/Sat 8:30pm EST till 10:30pm EST (5:30-7:30pm PST). Off nights we are running dungeons or just chatting in discord. I’ll throw our guild post on here and if you feel like chatting some more just let me know!
that’s odd, can link up w/ me on discord @ SamVimes#3464 as an alternative.
Hey Wargasim,
Not a mythic team at the moment as we are just building up, but if you’re interested;
[Inglorius Bastardos][US-Cairne] is recruiting! We are a Raiding and Mythic+ guild looking to build our ranks! Recruiting all classes, roles and experience!
We are a newer guild with years of experience in leading and raiding focused on building something new and fresh! We like to keep things fun and relaxed but at the same time focusing on content when the time comes.
What can we provide?
- Progress and growth within the guild and content!
- Family oriented (both in-game and out)
- 18+ environment
- Safe and friendly space to be you!
Who are we looking for?
- Like minded individuals who want to have fun and joke around, but also still do end-game content!
- Players willing to learn and grow with the guild
- Those looking for a fun and safe environment
Raid Times
Morning Raids: 10am - 2pm PST (Wed and Thurs)
Evening Raids: 8pm - 11pm PST (Tues and Thurs)
Recruitment Needs:
At the moment our recruitment is open to all! If this sounds like something you’d be interested don’t hesitate to come talk to us!
Discord- Shamshieldz #4137
Bnet- DireRaven#1545628
Hi there! We are located on Zul’jin. We are welcoming to people from all walks of life and LGBTQ+ friendly. We raid Sun/Wed 8-11pm EST. Our guild leader/raid leader has been leading guilds and raids since Vanilla. While we do focus on progression and obtaining AOTC, we don’t treat it like a job. We have a dedicated M+ Officer who was >3k this last season. He, and all of us, are willing to run keys of all levels. Outside of game, we love to hang out in Discord and even have Discord parties. We are all adults, chill, and have mature senses of humor. We support each other in game and out of game. Hope to hear from you! Contact us on DC: Kristen#2103 or BaristaOverlord#8203