LF chill PVE Guild

I am coming back from a long break of WoW on my enh shaman. I haven’t done any raids this xpac besides The Eternal Palace on my monk. I’m looking for a chill guild who raids heroic and maybe dabbles into mythic content whilst doing M+. I know I’m not that geared yet but the time will come. I’m also looking for a guild that is going to continue to do PVE content in SL.


Hey! I’m the GM of a really chill guild that is in the process of trying to grow for Shadowlands. We started out just a couple weeks ago and consist of a lot of returning players, players who are new to the server, and people that are just working on alts. We all are interested in doing some raiding on a relaxed schedule, but have been spending some time doing M+ and pugging some N/Heroic raid content. The one down fall is that we will never be looking to push Mythic Raiding😫

We are mostly are looking for good, positive people to play with! The guils is called (Good People Inc) and if you are interested add me on bnet if you want to chat. Massive#11120

I look forward to hearing from you

If I could get your battletag to talk further in game that would be great.

The Uncanny Misfits is 12/12 H and 3/12 M and have two raid teams. We also do a lot of other content and currently working on building a 3rd team for activities as a whole. If interesting in coming to help build our community, then please feel free to add me on btag at


Hey bud, I would love to chat with you about Quake Star. We are currently progressing through heroic(5/12H), fairly new team. We also run M+ on off nights, and strive to get each member a decent(11 or higher) keystone done weekly, and pushing higher each week. We raid Tues/Thurs 9pm-12am Server. We will be doing some mythic once heroic is cleared and we have a full team to do so, currently sitting at 13-14 people regularly, we haven’t not had any assistance from pugs for raids. Our primary goal is prepping for Shadowlands once we have AotC achieved for the team.

If you’d like to chat, please hit me up on battle tag: JG1#11597