LF casual raiding guild

Why hello there…

I’m looking to find a guild that tends to be casual raiding as my schedule is… one that doesn’t often facilitate raiding. College student in my last year of studies, however, I still gotta have something to help take off the stress of classes. I’m currently playing a bear tank, however, I have a warlock I’ve been enjoying leveling on the side. I can’t fully commit to a raid schedule as some weeks I may not have 2-3 hours I can put aside to raid multiple days a week. Figured this was an issue I should be upfront about as joining a raiding guild would mean trying to commit. I’m fine with just hopping in the occasional alt raids instead. Figured being upfront that I can’t commit fully to a raid schedule would be a halfway decent idea. I do also like dungeons so I would also be down to helping run a bunch of dungeons as time permits over the semester as well. Still gearing up to hit up raids, however, figured at least starting to look wouldn’t hurt.

Anyways, feel free to hit me up on Bnet (Sharinganedo#1872) or Discord (Shar#4947).

If you’re available late night our main raids are Wed/Fri 11pm. And will be doing alt/catchup raids Tues 11pm & Sun 10pm once phase 2 starts in 2 weeks.