LF casual raiding guild (A)

I am a Tankadin and currently looking for a raiding guild that is willing to let me Tank in raids. I do have multiple gear sets to Heal and DPS where needed, but I am going to assume that your Healteam can do the job just fine without the help of a full spec Tank in Holy gear.

I plan on raiding as 0/31/20 for max ST threat and utility for thr Tank group, which will also allow me to off DPS acceptably when not Tanking. I also plan to use proper consumables when raiding, as many DPS here are in full BWL gear. Speaking of gear, I am mostly preraid with some MC gear, and I know it’s a hard sell these days, but am hoping to find a guild that is still doing MC with people who still need gear from MC. With ZG right around the corner, I am hoping to take advantage of the opportunity to catch up in gear.

If you would like to give me a shot, reply here or PST in game. If you would like to try me out first, I can go to a guild MC with you, with the understanding that I will not be receiving any loot. If you are looking for another Healer or a glorified hpally with a Tankset, we will not be a good fit as I simply do not enjoy Pallyhealing in PvE, although I AM willing to act as an occasional supplement to the Healteam if needed, with the operant word being “occasional.” Finally, as 0/31/20, I will never ask for bindings, as I prefer slow 1h weapons like Spineshatter to fast ones like TF.

Thank you for taking the time to read this, and I hope to be able to brotect your guild.