LF Casual Noob-Friendly Guild (Horde - Azshara)

Looking for a pretty laid back, friendly, fun, adult guild that doesn’t mind helping out a new player. A smaller community type guild is preferable to a large crowded one. Would especially love to help build up a new one. Usually play in the mornings when I get off work around 7 or 8am est. On my days off, I’ll play late nights into the morning.

I have a Blood Elf Assassin Rogue - lv116
Orc Blood Death Knight - lv100
Once I unlock Zandalari trolls, will be making a druid. Most likely heals focused.

I play alot of bg PvP, but also like running dungeons and looking to get into raids if any guilds are willing to teach me.

Give Ogres, the Guild Master of the guild Leprechaun, a whisper. He is a good buddy of mine on that server and would love to help. Make sure to tell him Reeeeevorah sent you!

Hello there; im the Morning/Afternoon Raid Lead for on Horde Tichondrius and I’m currently looking to fill my roster. We are always willing to help with new and returning players; we raid on Wednesdays 10am-1pm ST (1-4pm EST). If that works with your schedule add me on Bnet or Discord.

kaase09#1692 - Bnet
Facade#8759 - Discord

We’re not Horde, but if you’re willing to roll Alliance, we may be a good fit.