LF Casual Heroic Battle of Daza'Alor Guild

I’m available on multiple classes. Guild decided to call it quits for this tier, and I honestly had no intention of raiding this tier until now.

Shouldn’t take me long to learn the fights. Availability ranges from 6PM EST - 11:30PM I can stretch this to midnight if needed.

I have the following classes available all over 370 ilvl:

Rogue (Can play all 3-specs) 376ilvl
DH (Havoc) 371ilvl
Shaman (Ele/Resto Mainly geared as Ele) 374ilvl
Paladin (Ret) 371ilvl
Priest (Disc) 370ilvl
Druid (Balance/Resto) 370
Warlock (Destruction) 370
Warrior (Fury) 370

I also have a MW/WW Monk in the works and a DK they’re just super low ilvl.

As you can see I’ve been bored. Throughout the Uldir Tier. I have AoTC Uldir on my Rogue (9/27/18)

About me:

I’ve raided every expansion usually cleared Heroic every tier, every expansion except WOD content. I’ve never cared to push Mythic however I’m not against it either. I work for a Civil Engineering Firm so there’s times I’m out of town and unavailable to raid it isn’t a common issue but does happen once or twice every 3-4 months. I’m old (30’s), and I’m looking for a group of older and SOMETIMES Mature guys/gals who still enjoy the raiding/pvp.


Hey there I added you to btag

ADKGamers is an AOTC focused guild, we like to see the content before its passed, but we are also a more casual oriented guild, so we will likely never push into heroics. We love to do m+ outside of raid and have many members active outside of raid, we aren’t looking for people to raid log, but to participate with the guild.

We are on Mal’ganis Horde
We raid Fri-Sat 7-1030 CST. We often allow geared alts in farm content as long as it doesn’t hold us back and players dont need anything on their mains.
We are 8/8H Uldir and we will be pushing for AOTC in the new raid.

Feisty#11761 <— Bnet
Feisty#0882 <— Discord

Hey bud, hit me up!