I’m available on multiple classes. Guild decided to call it quits for this tier, and I honestly had no intention of raiding this tier until now.
Shouldn’t take me long to learn the fights. Availability ranges from 6PM EST - 11:30PM I can stretch this to midnight if needed.
I have the following classes available all over 370 ilvl:
Rogue (Can play all 3-specs) 376ilvl
DH (Havoc) 371ilvl
Shaman (Ele/Resto Mainly geared as Ele) 374ilvl
Paladin (Ret) 371ilvl
Priest (Disc) 370ilvl
Druid (Balance/Resto) 370
Warlock (Destruction) 370
Warrior (Fury) 370
I also have a MW/WW Monk in the works and a DK they’re just super low ilvl.
As you can see I’ve been bored. Throughout the Uldir Tier. I have AoTC Uldir on my Rogue (9/27/18)
About me:
I’ve raided every expansion usually cleared Heroic every tier, every expansion except WOD content. I’ve never cared to push Mythic however I’m not against it either. I work for a Civil Engineering Firm so there’s times I’m out of town and unavailable to raid it isn’t a common issue but does happen once or twice every 3-4 months. I’m old (30’s), and I’m looking for a group of older and SOMETIMES Mature guys/gals who still enjoy the raiding/pvp.