I am Kit. I’m an old (mid 30s), washed up raider. I still like seeing the story and finishing normal mode. Between work, kids, the wife, friends and the many other things life has to offer, I cannot raid consistently anymore.
In a perfect scenario there is a guild, where the people are fun and funny. We run things and laugh. Everyone enjoys decompressing from their day, and if you are gone for a day or to, people wonder where you are. Raids and Mythic+ runs for fun. People for the reason to be a part of the guild.
I’m not worried with the size, so long as there are people to run with and everyone gets along or knows how.
About me, I’m a little salty, a little vulgar, likely to raid while having a drink (or few). I an attorney, enjoy boating, and coach my kids travel baseball & softball teams. I enjoy getting to know people, so I don’t care for the “no politics, religion, etc.” standards. Without those core parts how can we be friends?
If you are looking for someone who enjoys the game, story and might fit with your culture send me a message.
Btag: Kitronos#11829
Disc: Kitronos#6369
P.S. I am not tied to my server or staying Horde.