LF casual active raiding guild

Long time player, looking for active casual raiding guild. New job working rotating shift work so won’t always be able to make it to set raiding days which i understand could be a problem. Either Horde or Alliance, willing to play whatever role the guild needs as i have most characters 110-120. Can move characters across to whatever server also.
BN add is Bloodxswords#1754


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Afternoon Stgywar

See below the body of the Post in Forums

[H]-Barthilas – “All Guns Blazing”

All Guns Blazing is a GMT+8 Horde Guild based on US-Barthilas seeking to reach out for some new blood after the uptake of Classic, as well as some retirements from players. We are looking for Raiders, but are also looking to generally increase the Guild player base across all interest’s that are on offer, Levelling, PvP, Raids, Team play, Soloers that want to dip into some green text now and then, we cater to a varied player base. That being said we field a Mythic Team that runs 2 nights a week on +8 GMT that is 3/8, and we are open to applications for those looking to push content with us, we need numbers to kill more Dragons. You could be a returning player looking to get back into a Team, or someone that is seeking to join a solid and supportive environment to play in. We can assist in gearing based on Applicants. And feel that attitude and willingness to accept ownership of your outcomes is key to success. The Raid Team operates RC Loot Council on Items that are not required (passed to Loot Council) meaning an equitable distribution of gear to help push kills.

We are a long-term Guild that operates on a “No Drama Clause” which is adhered to via an open-door policy with Officer’s and the GM. All issues are taken care of in a way that cause minimal impact. No drama is tolerated in general channels, but there is always a way to sort through issues that keeps everyone happy. There is a time and a place for having fun, and there is a time and a place for issues, knowing when this is key to making sure AGB is a place that remains on track. We conduct ourselves to a certain standard in General channels and make sure that the reputation of the Guild is kept clean, those that abuse players in Guild or out, troll in Trade chat, or in general fail in doing so will not be on Roster very long.

If you have read one of these before you know it is usually all very similar, but for us this is a place we can call an online retreat from drama and trolling, and we do not abide by people playing in a way that makes it difficult for others. We are not elitist’s; we just believe it takes less effort and is more productive to help someone who may be having in game issues as it does to abuse them and achieve no real result.

So, what do we offer?

  • Structured Officer and GM roles that oversee Guild operations day to day.
  • Easy-going Guild and active Discord, post if you want to, lurk, Meme it up in the right channels, throw shade in a lighthearted way, it’s sociable most days
  • 2 Nights a Week Mythic Raids Wednesday 9:30pm SVT and Sunday 10pm SVT – all consumables supplied, Custom WA’s, RC Loot Council, when we run it is eyes on the prize killing Dragons, but also making sure everyone is having a good time doing it.
  • Open Door – got an issue raise it with an Officer or GM, get it sorted, don’t sit on it and let it affect your game time.
  • Mature when it suits, Meme’s when it suits. If it is SFW and non-impacting post up whatever your thinking, doing, reading, watching, building, racing. We all have a variety of interests and if yours is something your passionate about outside of WoW, then show the Guild.
  • If your just over feeling like a number on a page, or a small fish in a huge pond that is this game and the Oceanic scene in general then we are a fit for you, smaller and more dedicated Teams doing things, everyone wanting to win, helping each other out and banter in the down time is what we are about.

If we seem like we might be a fit for you, or your chasing any other information then contact one of the people listed below in game for a chat or a Discord invite to come discuss it with us.

Thank you for taking the time to read, have a great day.

In Game Contacts -

GM - Sharký - Btag - Sharky#2786
Recruitment - Kitarn#1518

All discussions will be kept private, and any questions can be asked with no commitment to come across, we realize this may involve a Realm or Faction change for some people and its important to get a feel for things first before making any changes of that nature.

Hello Mirakal,
Thanks for the speedy reply, I’ve just sent through a friend request for Kitarn and am just waiting for a response.


Hey mate!

I saw you’ve already received an offer (and it looks terrific TBH) but I thought I’d throw my hat in the ring, all the same!

is a Barthilas Horde based guild, and we’re recruiting after the Great Classic Exodus of 2019! :stuck_out_tongue:

We’re a social raiding guild with a focus on good attitude and helping build players up rather than simply booting them to help prog.

Currently 7/8 Heroic EP, we’re seeking any and all players who are looking for a home to check out the raid and run some Mythic keys. We’re most in need of DPS and one or two healers, but any and all players will be considered (and lets face it, probably accepted).

Raid times are Wednesday and Sunday from 8-10pm AEST (Barthilas server time), though right now we don’t have the numbers to get a raid group formed and our focus is on M+ keys and recruitment to get back into EP.

If you’re new to the game, returning and a little rusty, or a veteran who just wants a guild to chill with, hit me up on here or battle.net - Gunnalol#1203.

If, for whatever reason, I’m not responding, you can also message Tesluna#1856 or Thundastruck#6627 with questions or invites.

Cheers in advance guys, hope to see some of you in game!

Hi Stgywar

There’s no shortage of offers, the above guilds look very nice, too. If for whatever reason you don’t choose either of them, feel free to add me for a chat about Horizon on Khaz’goroth. I feel we could be a good fit for a mature long term player such as yourself.

Thank you and best wishes.


Thought id throw our offer up aswell.

Something Offensive
OCE - H - Barthilas

We are looking for all players to expand our Ranks.
We believe it’s not how you play the game, but rather who you play it with…
Looking for all active players to add to our family, and build a community.

Mythic raid
Raid time : Mon/Thurs 6.30-9.00pm server

Heroic raid (optional)
Full clear
Wednesday 6:30 pm sever time

If you are looking to join our core raiding ranks note that the 20 slots are not reserved, they are for the players that prove themselvs not just by being good mechanically and having decent logs, but consistantly showing up, not being late and having a good attitude when things get tough.
Not one players spot is guaranteed and is always continually earned by merits.

However we do full clears of heroic everyweek wednesday (time is flexible) with lower guildies for gear, ap and just a bit of fun and banter.

Eventually If we get the numbers, we may even look into a second mythic raiding team
Also achievement, mount and transmog runs are done by some of us on weekends for those collectors/completists.

Most of us do keys almost every night of all ranges, starting at those that just want there weekly chest done for the loot and for those elite that want to push there I.o even higher and beyond we can help with that.

Pvp is something we are currently looking to expand on, no matter if your a sylvanis loyalist or part of the rebellion, we aim to give you a reason to fight once again.
In a game that’s supposedly dying, come create your own content with us
For The Horde!

Contacts :
Our recruitment officer below
usagi#6215 (bnet) or riisa#3859 (discord)


Can message/add me directly on Facebook

im also on discord almost always.
Doraleous (warkeys)#5805
Bnet Boss#1709

Hiya Stgywar. Haha thought id add to the guild pile :P. We’d be happy to have you if youre interested.

[A - Saurfang] < Cryptic > Active Raiding & PvP guild recruiting more members who are interested in Raiding, FUNgeons (Fun Dungeons for those that dont know), PvP etc.

Socials, casuals and levelers always welcome.

Raid nights are:
Monday (Heroic): 7:30pm - 10:30pm ST.
Wednesday (Mythic): 8:00pm - 10:30pm ST.
(8/8H 3/8M EP)
** Wednesday nights raid currently a co-guild run with another guild to fill numbers.*
*** To be eligible for Mythic raid, you need to be attending Heroic raid night consistently before being considered for a spot.*

Mythic FUNgeons on Friday nights 7:30pm ST onwards.

PvP Madness on Saturday nights 8pm ST onwards.
*Includes: warmode adventures, PvP islands, premade random BGs, Rated BGs, and a lot of drinking.

Find us ingame via /who cryptic or msg me directly on Kaleiya or add me Kaleiah#1394.

Hope you have an awesome day!