LF AotC Guild for TWW

My friend and I are looking for a new guild to raid with in The War Within. He would love to tank/heal and has a lot of experience with them both but will DPS if needed. I am a DPS, still deciding between monk, destro warlock, and unholy DK. Doesn’t really matter if horde or ally. Prefer 8pm - 11 pm EST

Battle net : RaPToR #1573
Discord: raptorryan15

Sent you a bnet request - we are looking for all for our newly formed guild - AOTC focused and raid times will most likely be within your preferred times - most likely 8-10 EST or 8-11.

I accepted your friend request on bnet

Please feel free top check us out.

We are planning a fun Friday run this week to get to know all our new people.