Hello all,
I am currently looking for an active guild. Looking for a casual, social, friendly guild that simply enjoys the game. I do a little bit of everything, but mainly PvE, currently working on end-game content.
I’ve been a player since the end of vanilla and been back playing full time the last couple of months, largely sitting out the last couple of expansions. Pretty self-sufficient, just looking for some new people to play with. Been un-guilded for years.
Feel free to message me in game.
Thanks for your time, have a good one.
Hey there! Are you wanting to run mythic + and Heroic Raid while kicking it a super chill discord? We like to complete content while having a good time! We are filthy casual players who do it all! We even occasionally PVP! Our raid team consists of guild members who have played together for years and several of our “Community raid members” or basically people who pugged with us and wanted to stick around without paying to xfer! Apply to Merci (Dalaran-Alliance) or message me here if you want to test it out! We are currently recruiting any and all classes!