LF Active AOTC/Mythic + Guild

Group of friends looking for a raiding guild for TWW, AOTC mythic +.
All have Heroic raiding experience. Looking to raid that starts after 8:30PM EST during the week or a weekend raiding guild. We also have 8/8 normal and 1/8 heroic experience in current raid.

Classes are:
1 - Ele Shaman
2 - Ret Paladin
3 - Frost DK(is in the military so is a bit inconsistent on being able to attend raids)
4 - Resto Shaman

Hey we can accommodate and have raid spots open. If you’re interested our contact is below.

Space Nuggz - Sargeras

We are currently 8/8N 4/8H

Looking for DPS & 1 Healer

Is a newly formed guild with experienced leaders with some playing 20years non stop. We decided to start our own group and we are looking for like-minded players to join our ranks for TWW.

  • Our Goal is to keep the guild a casual, friendly environment with a place for everyone. While still progressing though game content.

Raiding Schedule: Our raids are Tuesday & Wednesday 9-11PM EST Our current goal is AOTC but if the stars align we may go into mythic.

We are currently seeking:

1x Raid Healer



  • If you want to talk, drop us a message in-game or on Discord
  • Discord valane0693
  • Bnet Valane#1507
  • Discord kyriosxf
  • Bnet Eidolon#11339

hi there! we are looking to add more players to our AOTC raid roster and our m+ team, I’m going to attach our guild page for you to skim through to see if we could possibly be a good fit for you! I’d be happy to sit down and chat with you to answer any questions you may have… I look forward to hopefully speaking with you soon…

Hey Guys,

We raid Wed\Thur, 9p-12a EST. Current prog is 7/8H, 8/8N. Pushing for CE this tier. Pretty laid back and close group of folks, lookin for more gamers to join our group!

You can check us out on raider io: Gray Parse - Thrall. Can’t post links here anymore :frowning:

If interested in a convo, feel free to connect.

B: Aerbax#11297
D: rbx124


  • Information
    • Sun/Mon 8-11 pm CST
  • Heroic AOTC and Mythic Plus Focused (Starting Normal next Sunday 10/6)
  • Lead is 8/8 H in Nerub-ar Palace
  • If you are tired of pugging and want to create an AOTC atmosphere with no toxicity, please come help a great community.
  • Priority Needs
    • 1 Healer and a mixture of DPS needed.
      -Priority needs: warlock, evoker, Resto Shaman
      -All specs are welcome to apply.
  • Can’t make a raid schedule? Come 5-man it up!
  • Logs are appreciated but not required.

About Us

From Vanilla veterans to fresh raiders, Strategery offers a welcoming community for all WoW enthusiasts. Our experienced members have a proven track record of raiding in top US 150 guilds, and we’re dedicated to helping you reach your full potential…

We’re a laid-back group of working adults who enjoy tackling challenging content and having a good time. Our zero-drama policy ensures a positive and supportive environment and a sense of humor is always appreciated.

Whether you’re a seasoned raider or just starting out, we’re here to help you succeed. Join us for epic raids, friendly banter, and unforgettable adventures.

Contact us on Discord for a quicker response

Discord: machtstreben
Bnet: Mach#11855

Discord: Beetz
Bnet: Beetus:11493