LF Active Ally RP guild!

Greetings! I am about to arrive after xferring from MG. I already have Horde toons on WrA and enjoy the server. I’m looking for an active alliance RP focused guild to journey into the Shadowlands with. Let me know what your guild is about below and I’ll consider joining! Looking forward to playing with y’all!

Hey there! Is there any specific kind of guild you’re interested in? There’s plenty to choose from Alli side. I’d reccomend taking a look at the directory thread.


Ooh hit me up with the directory thread! Not anything too specific, general alliance/hero forces would be cool. If there is an active DK guild that would be ideal but I’ve learned not to expect that lol

Here’s the directory: https://us.forums.blizzard.com/en/wow/t/wra-information-directories/651240/28

And here’s a DK guild you might wanna look into:


Working with that guild in particular has been awesome. I highly suggest Shadow Vault.


Hello Jordrend, I remember you. Welcome back.

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