LF a social/casual Horde guild who is active in voice chat

Hello Hyjal-ians!

I go by Jen & I am looking for a guild! I normally play on Greymane/Tanaris Alliance, but I am looking for a guild on the dark side, as well, where some of my IRL friends play! If any of y’all think you could help by pointing me into the direction of a social/casual guild whom is active in voice chat, that’d be great!

I will probably bring over a toon but unsure of whom yet. I have quite a few high level hordies but no 60s yet. I don’t care too much about raiding, but I do enjoy PVP when the time is right! I guess if you’re wondering what type of player I am, I would say I am def a social player. I can get lost chatting to a group of folks in guild disc, while sitting atop a mailbox in Org.

I have been playing since BC, but you’d never be able to guess that bc I am super forgetful of all things “back in the day.” It’s the past for a reason! I don’t want to go back to that. So I guess that means I am also saying that I am not into Classic WoW.

I am a 37 yo female, in the East coast.

If anyone has any ideas of any guilds. Message me back, thanks!

:heart: / Jen/Yai

so if ur Greymane/Tanaris Alliance. then why u on Hyjal Fourms . posting for guild . .???


While, yes, I do main on Greymane/Tanaris Alliance, as I stated above, I’d like to be in touch with the dark side & give it a whirl. No one ever said that wasn’t allowed… so don’t mind if I do!

Checkout Unwritten over there on horde, wasn’t my thing, most seemed EST time, might be a fit. Few ppl talked in discord and were on most days. Nice enough, small but if you’re looking for chill and a place to start, small isn’t always a detriment.

Here’s a link:

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Oh, Dora! That’s me on a diff toon a few months ago looking for a guild lol!