LF A or H side Pandaren rp guild

As the title states, I’m planning on transferring this toon to role play on. I’m good with either faction. Any active Pandaren guilds here on WRA?

I have heard of two, one on each side. Not sure about there activity but if you come Alliance welcome!

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Do you know their names?

Jadepaw Dynasty-Alliance Yingsu Village/Steelpaw Shaodin-Horde


There is also a fair amount of non-aligned Pandaren rp.

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Jadepaw Dynasty is in a dormant state right now as a warning.Not as active this expansion as we were in the previous ones.

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Steelpaw is accepting people still. Though, a fair warning: we’re all college-aged, and it’s almost finals week, so we’re more active on Discord than ingame, at the moment.

I’ll link you the website if you ask, but don’t wanna be pushy about it. :slight_smile:


The Yingsu Village is actually on a hiatus due to the content drought as well. A lot of the officers are busy with life obligations, or unsubbed until 8.2. I myself needed a break after running the plot for almost 6 months, and having a surgery.

As a note though Yingsu Village is a Pandaren-themed guild, not a Pandaren only guild. We’re always happy to take in any race who is genuinely interested in rping in Pandaria. I would actually look for guilds that are focused more on a theme and location than a race, because it seems easy for people to use a race-only guild as a dumping ground for their race-based alt rather than the main character they actually are interested in exploring the concept with.


As is true with a lot of Community channels in general Fists of New Dawn has a lot more members than people actively using it. But those of us who do tend to see each other at events and such. A good way to keep in touch, in addition to guilds.

Festival of Lights is coming up in June. Be sure to attend & meet the community - even if it’s on a different character than the one seeking a home.