LF (A) guild

BM hunter looking for a pvp centric adult/older guild to hang my hat. Not looking for a raiding spot or high end pvp spot. Just looking for some people to do BGs, some rated BGs and possibly some some 2v2 or 3v3. Casual atmosphere.

Been playing since Feb '06 and did my time at MT/OT raiding for 10+ years and got burnt out. This expac decided I needed a break from my warrior and wanted to try some ranged pvp. I’ll be honest and say I was the person in mind when “huntard” was coined. Just looking for some fun and maybe getting the sicial aspect back from early WoW.

I play a couple hours a day in the mid afternoon when my kid gets home from school and most nights after 10pm east coast time for a couple hours. Brynjolfsson#1807 and 99% of the time I’ll be on this toon. Hope to hear from you and happy gaming!