LF A guild on Stormrage

I’ve been away for a few years and just came back a couple of weeks ago. I’m not fond of joining a guild through a random invite and the guild finder information seems pretty old for most guilds listed on it. I’m looking for a growing guild (I would prefer a small to medium active guild than a large guild). I’m open to getting back into raiding but my times are limited during the week to make a commitment to be there every week, but I do have more time on the weekends. I also like to PVP and farm mounts, achievements, etc. Right now, I probably play around 15 to 20 hours a week. My btag is MadHatter502 #1186

I’m part of a smallish guild that really focuses on getting AOTC as efficient as possible. We have a pretty good core that not only plays WoW together but other games as well. We are big on community and finding people that are cool to play with and talk/interact in our discord.

We have all types of members but we are looking to add more dps that are interested in not only raiding but also trying to improve gear outside of raids via delves/mythic plus in order to make raid boss kill more efficient. I personally love running mythic plus and am also looking for more people to enjoy that aspect of the game. We don’t push super hard but we do try to push up to getting portals and then in turn help others get KSM and portals best we can!

Our raiding times are Saturday & Sunday:
EST - 8PM-10PM

I have added you to talk more if you are interested Mooch#1330

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One Night Affair is an AOTC focused guild raiding only 1 night a week.

Raid times: Tuesday night 8:30-11:30 EST.

OPTIONAL night Thursday 9-11 EST for those looking to do a little more.
Many Mythic+ KSM minded players.

All Dragonflight heroic raids cleared. AOTC in all seasons. All fated raids cleared on Heroic.

Nerub-ar Palace
8/8N 8/8H

Raid Leader is a former mythic and CE player. The majority of the guild members are former mythic raiders looking for a more casual approach to the game. We will focus on using our limited time with efficiency and effectiveness, while maintaining a fun stress free environment.

Either faction is fine. Off server is fine , as long as, you join the guild.

Liberation of Undermine. Recruitment is currently opened for all classes and roles .

Contact Lucast0562 on Discord