LF A Friend!

I haven’t RP’d in some time, and not sure if I’m gonna jump back in, but I am looking for a friend to play with in re-experiencing the stories of the zones, expansions, continents, etc.

Pluses would be-

+Plays daily
+Is an altoholic
+Immerses often into their characters
+Fluent in Lore in many areas (looking to fill in spots I don’t know/remember as well)

My schedule would probably not lend itself to this (I’m all screwed up even though I’m on the East Coast) but I wish you luck! Another good place to look for someone to level with would be hordeooc. I know we are a server full of altoholics. ^^ You might get a rotating cast as opposed to one consistent partner, but that might be even better in some ways!

I just got back into the game a couple of months ago, and am currently leveling several characters. Unfortunately, I am under-qualified in two of the areas you’re looking for…

My schedule is a mess.
I love lore, but am definitely not an expert.

However, if you don’t find anyone better suited, I’d be happy to help when and if I can!

Hello there Lindori! If you create a character on either Cenarion Circle or Sisters of Elune, there are many rpers here who would love to help you. Your best bet is to join a guild of rpers. I highly recommend the one I am in, Bards of the Lion. But there are others who would be happy to help.

When you join the ooc chat channels, announce yourself as new to the server. On Horde side it is /join hordeooc and on Alliance it is /join allianceooc

I am on West Coast and just getting out of bed and trying to wake up around 11 a m. This is server time. I have several lower level alts I am working on. I would love to have you join me. I cannot give you 24/7 time, but a few hours a day would be fine.


Hello Lindori!

Seconding Max’s callout for the OOC chat channels, as the factions are primarily just one big guild this way with little branches of the family that add some RP flavor to your characters.

I LOVE questing through the zones, but I can’t say I’m much of an altaholic these days. The GOOD news is that folks don’t have to be anymore with the new party-sync system. Higher levels who have already completed those quests actually get bonus rewards for helping people out too!

I do play pretty much daily, I like RPing as I quest (to an extent… RPing walking everywhere is something I’ve done but it’s extreme), and I’m fluent in lore of all kinds! It’s just… been a long while since I’ve leveled a character through now that boosting is so common. But this means I have characters that need to go back and do the quests anyway!

While I have RP Guild commitments and Mythic+ endgame teams I’m part of, I would like to find an excuse to just chill out and RP quest again. I have a character whose niche is supposed to be “combat training and escort”, so it might be perfect. Let me know at Xandra#1296 or send a letter in-game to Cerulana-CenarionCircle.

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If your looking to meet people I suggest coming to weekly events. Lo-Shing and I run Monday bar night. I haven’t been as active as I used to be in recent days but I always make it to the bar. I can help when I’m around, and when I can’t any excuse to meet more people will help. I suggest also going to Lounge. It’s much bigger than my little corner of the RP universe. Just a heads up the bar night has moved from Wayfarer’s Rest to the Inn at Quel’Danas. It’s also now at 9pm EST. I think that’s 6pm Server Time. Quel’Danas should be more accessible to both factions, but still has a strong “this is Sin’dorei territory” feel to it. While playing an Alliance Character it is best advised to take the FP from Ironforge not from Stormwind.


…Well this is a good little tidbit to know! ::amends guild calendar::

I think it got moved back to Wayfarer’s Rest. Lo-Shing held a poll. It’s still moved to 9pm EST, 6pm Server though.