Looks like current guild aren’t raiding this tier so looking for an AOTC focused guild/raid team and perhaps venture into Mythic after. Usually get AOTC and the first few Mythic bosses down each tier so hoping to replicate that and push a little further.

Bnet: NTys#11587
Disc: N_Tys#7212

Hey mate, Sudden Prolapse is a new 1 night aotc guild for 10.1, a few months old at this point and we’re smackin out 8/8 Vault every week between 730-1030 ST thursdays on the Dreadmaul cluster of realms. We have a solid roster already but still looking for more ranged dps.

If you’re interested, our guild leader is happy to chat on discord (Ballbag#9324)

Hello Ntys
Been a while and hope your well mate!
I will ping you on discord as I think will have what your looking for

- Team Apex - 5M VOTI 2 Nights LFM - Recruitment / Oceanic Guild Recruitment - World of Warcraft Forums (blizzard.com)

Hi, Anarchy inc on Dath’remar is a AOTC and social guild. We raid sun/mon 7.30-9.30pm Server time.
We also love running keys, mount and achievement chasing :grinning:
Feel free to chat Bnet zwirbel#1679