Leyline runes are an absolute joke

What the hell is this

Gives a rune for locks, mages, priests, and paladins.

4 items are needed to summon some mob at 4 diff locations on the map

Warlocks need to send their explorer imp into a portal and wait 15-20mintes (after spending 10minutes+ just locating one) with one of the worst drop chances I’ve ever seen. Did 10 in a row so minimum 150minutes and received 0 of these items.

Mage seems to have the best chances of getting this and it involves the scroll rng crap. Only people I ever see selling this summon are mages.

Priests involves some RNG with purchasing items, not sure the priest didn’t elaborate fully on how they get it.

Paladin told me there’s basically nothing they can do to get the required items. Not sure how true it is but never see paladins selling it.

Wtf man? Rune encourages nothing but paying some lucky mage 30-50g each Leyline summon as he sits around with a raid of 35 all paying. Wow such discovery.