Levelling was, and IS, the best part of classic. Nothing will ever compare

No raid loot, boss encounter, or PvP war will ever be as good as the first time i leveled to 60 in this game.

I get nostalgia from just thinking about it…and it wasn’t even 6 months ago. I truly loved the journey to 60 and it really made me appreciate this game even more.

I’ve never played for so long in a day as i did when classic was launched. Every single day 16+ hours at the minimum and not for a second did i get bored. I was so motivated to explore and quest and do dungeons that the time flew by faster than I thought it was.

Even though the forums and community that made this launch so great has all but vanished and that everyone just sits in an AV queue and doesn’t do anything else besides that, I still believe this is the greatest mmo on the market simply for the leveling process i encountered. I hope for new players they get to experience the struggle and joy of completing a zone and meeting friends to group up for dungeons and elite quests.

I simply don’t see any content being as good as launch week for classic wow for me…i will cherish those memories forever and im glad i got to experience classic before all of the toxicity (Alterac Valley hysteria, BIS hysteria, bots, etc.) seeped into the game and turned it into retail 2.0. At least for a few weeks i got to experience vanilla.


This is exactly why we need scheduled server resets or a consistent new batch of fresh TLP servers like every other legacy MMO.


Have you considered spending more time in the game and less on the forum? 'Cause all the hysteria for any of those I’m seeing, is here on the forum, not in the game.


Agreed, OP.

It’s like the original dev’s realized they needed a compelling journey every step of the way so they threw their best efforts into what seemed at the time to be the main point of the game; leveling.

I still have a blast with it, it’s my fav part of the game as well. Chill and chat with friends. Explore and nerd out.


Do you think you can explain how the Leveling was and is best part of Classic? like what makes it the best? and etc? :no_mouth:


No it sucks, i’m level 42 on my shaman and it’s taken months. Mostly because i’ve never liked questing or mob grinding. I started in TBC and didn’t really know what I was doing until Wraith when we got dungeon finder. I’d have been 60 or 70 or whatever in 2 months or less if I could spam dungeons all day instead because it’s less boring, and while you can do dungeons to level in classic it’s much slower just because of the logistic of actually finding people prior to max level, and then taking 20 minutes to get there. Every once in a blue moon there’s a lock to summon but that’s rare.

Not everyone who enjoys the game is a lore nerd, I could care less about the story line.


yeah leveling in this game is great

unfortunately i cant do it, because i have to bring a party of 5 just to do the most basic quests, or i get ganked by level 60 horde deathsquads


It sounds like you don’t enjoy the game at all dude.


lolwut? You are aware that there are RP realms right? And only a couple of them. That’s a minority of the population bud. Do you think Overwatch players know the backstory of all the hero’s? I have no idea what junkrats deal is with that stupid wooden leg, I assume he blew it off, and I’m in no hurry to solve that mystery.


Yeah, right, but you said you don’t like questing or mob grinding, and dungeon runs are too slow for you. So what do you enjoy?


Dungeon leveling, max level PvP, low level twinking.

Hmm maybe you should just buy a boost to max level then?

Plus you can say you were there :sunglasses:

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all I see is make leveling slower and grindier, glad you love your classic wow game, but retail wow is better off with out it

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I think its like, just his opinion, man. Not a thesis on objective WoW :laughing:


There aren’t boosts in classic, that’s retail buckaroo, and retail does not have talent trees, 2h shaman enhance, weapon skills, or basically anything that wraith and below had. Sorry, you can’t make the classic no changes argument that i’m better suited for retail, that’s a lazy copout. The games like 15 years old, there’s a point where somewhere in the middle the playerbase was at it’s peak and everything was about as balanced as it could be. That isn’t the current patch. Plus this is classic, not vanilla. It’s going to change, whether that means TBC servers or just added on content. Pretty sure having dungeon finder pre-60 would be a perfect fix for the leveling dungeon problem. It’s not magic it’s simple logic, as more people get to 60 there aren’t as many levelers. Content pre 60 will eventually become dead. It’s half dead now, good luck finding an uldaman group unless you buy a run.

People were so nice and kind to me on classic’s launch.

I got stopped in silverpine while leveling just to get some a healthstone and some potions.

People were willing to help me with quests even though they were already done with them.

Now the launch magic is gone and we are stuffed in instances when it comes to leveling.

I do like classic’s leveling system, the pacing is good and we actually learn how to play our class along the way.


My friend, being popular does not make you correct. Classic is a ROLEPLAYING game. For ROLEPLAYERS. It wasn’t made for E-Jocks. It isn’t FOR E-Jocks. An E-Jock who hates roleplaying complaining about the roleplaying features of a genuine roleplaying game is pretty …

It’s hot air. But good news! Retail has slowly been catering more and more to you guys over the years. You might enjoy it better.


You: leveling in classic sucks, questing sucks, killing mobs sucks, lore sucks,
dungeon runs are “less boring” but too slow

Also you: I’m not a retail baby!

Everyone else: lol


The ‘‘go back to retail’’ retort is old and boomerish. It’s a lazy way to not debate something. You aren’t even the majority, 90 percent of the people when asked say they would prefer TBC or wraith. And those versions of the game have all the same basic mechanics. Talent trees, weapon skills, it’s all still there. Hell, the PvP gearing system was hugely revamped in TBC even, good luck grinding rank 14 in vanilla. It caters to botting or being unemployed. Half the forum is qqing about it, that’s why blizzard done away with it with the very first expansion. Like litterally, they did away with it all together, with the first expansion to the game. Didn’t even take years for them to realize it sucked, and this was with the same developers that created the game to start with.