Leveling talking points being used on the forums

Next expansion is replacing Battle for Azeroth content with Dragonflight content aka The dragon isles. That should transition better with the new starting zone exiles reach since on the dragon isles there are NPC from exiles reach. And plus, in patch 10.1.5 it has introduced campaign to the early leveling quests. Better yet revising the intro to your faction city with an NPC giving you a free ride to your class trainers.

One last thing and it will give you a free mount at level 30 no doubt it will be a dragon mount coming in the next expansion.

Your title sounds like bait compared to whatever it is you just wrote that I’m still trying to decipher and what the point of it is.


Your posts make no sense to me.


“Nobody knows what it means, but it’s provocative!”


If I had to guess, they are suggesting that Blizz replace the current BFA start for new players with DF. And you’re right…no clue how that is related to the title.

It’s really not a bad idea. I think DF is a much better experience overall than BFA, and BFA’s storyline is no longer relevant to the current game events.

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It might help out Alliance a small bit, if Alliance can still be helped at this point anyhow.

I remember Ally BFA having some notable speed bump issues, most particularly the fact that you HAVE to do the guy’s little sports tournament in Tiragarde to finish the storyline there (and that tournament is known for being notoriously fiddly in ways that can make it almost impossible to clear; you pretty much need to know “that one neat trick” to even make it not be hyper stressful. Forget about it when it shows up as a WQ, lmao).

Meanwhile, I don’t recall Horde BFA really having any notable speed bumps, at least not in the “basic” leveling part (there seem to be some hiccups with the formerly-endgame part of the war questline, though).

(Part of the reason I’ve played so little in DF is that it’s been so long since I played Horde at a serious level that unless I play Warlock or DK I don’t even have a character in the 40s. And those two are on a realm that’s basically gone D-E-D dead since I was active there, so it’s reroll and relevel land for me there before I even get to do new content. Meanwhile, I struggled in BFA and SL as Alliance because of the sparsity of the Alliance community - I did have a Big Friendly Guild at the time but they did very little in the form of content, meaning I was stuck with the PUG community and we know how that goes LOL.

Okay, part of it is also the fact that I’m still nervous about installing Overwolf with its bloat and sketchy security history, and without using the Curse archive one’s UI options are terribly limited … the best option seems to be ElvUI, but ElvUI has some issues too, most particularly having way fewer action bar buttons than I’m accustomed to. I guess I can aggressively choose passives over active buttons when possible with this DF character build system but then I’m sure I’ll get “your build is bad, gtfo and learn to follow theory” at 70 right?)

Not exactly the same…but the BFA horde speedbump is dealing with that horrible hub city, especially in the beginning before you get flying.

What in the undressed word salad did I just read?


Word of the Day calendar word would be my guess.


chaptgpt has become sentient.
touches qamaits in front of it

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going from exiles reach to DF? doing DF without flying? I dont think that would really work.

We did it when we first got there. We had to progress most of the way through the first zone before dragon flying unlocked. So depending on the leveling pace it shouldn’t make much of a difference.

Also, dragon flight and regular flight are not connected systems so Blizz could allow players to dragon fly at any point.

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I think that you’re onto something.



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Blizz is already doing this.

Are they? I must have missed that announcement. Has it already started, or will it be during a future patch?

They mentioned it in an interview that next expansion they’ll change the new player experience to DF. I’ll see if I can find it.

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I smell toast.


Found it!

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I smell eggs…and toast. Holy crap!

/runs face first into the door then checks his pocket for his phone.