Leveling pet for BM Hunter

Hello, I’m sure this has been answered plenty, but I would like to your opinions.

I am currently leveling as a BM Hunter, and I was wondering if there were specific pets I should be leveling with. Right now I’m running around with two cats, but I’ve heard other types of pets may be beneficial.

What say you?

Clefthooves are said to be the best for solo content. I personally don’t use them since I like to match my pets to my characters. It’s why all my pets I have on this toon are void touched ones. When I’m soloing stuff, I use a spirit beast since I get the tenacity defensive and I like spirit beasts.

Also petopia is great for finding a pet or few that matches what you want/need.


When leveling I’ve found anything that’s ferocity is generally fine, but once you start getting close to max level, things start hitting harder and you’ll definitely want a Clefthoof to take out and deal with those annoying rares. But most of the time unless I’m hitting something super challenging, any of the Ferocity pets will do fine.

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I use a Spirit Beast for everything for the extra health, defensive cooldown and heal.

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Ferocity pets are by far the best for soloing as the leech will keep your pet alive way better than other types. Any ferocity pet is fine, but yes a Clefthoof is technically superior because they benefit more from healing (so Mend Pet is more effective on them) and they have a great tanking cooldown.


Whatever you think looks coolest :slight_smile:

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I usually keep 3 pets with me:

  • Spirit beast for normal questing for the heal and larger health pool.
  • Clefthoof for solo tanking rares and groups of elites + lust/hero.
  • Cunning pet for if I just want to move a little faster.