Leveling is Broken in Patch 10.1.5

Any acknowledgment or update on this would be helpful. Mostly I see the big reworks getting nerfed and other class adjustments. Is the DF team only working on class balancing?


Still not scaling to 61.


Another week has passed, and nothing has changed. I’m going to begin sharing this post in more places from now on in the hopes that Blizzard will finally wake up and fix things.


Well this has been extremely disappointing.

I too started a new character once 10.1.5 dropped as I was under the impression I could freeze at 60 and do every expansion from that point without it feeling completely trivial and one-shotting everything…

But yup, hit 60, went to Orgrimmar to drop off items, fix transmog etc… and immediately pulled out of Chromie Time, can’t select a new timeline, and can’t freeze my xp…

Based on how they worded the patch notes I thought you’d be able to do all that.

As much as I’d like to think this was an oversight, It’s more likely that they just worded their actual intentions poorly seeing as this “bug” (if it is one) hasn’t been fixed since the PTR from what I can see.


This is still not working. Reread the original notes and while the OG poster brought it up, I will say with leveling during DMF this week, it is highly annoying to have the Dalaran HS toy, but not be able to use it prior to going through the quest for it. Basically same with the Garrison HS, which to me would be better set as a use it to get a quest and talk to Khadgar at the portal to complete the WoD intro and get the HS as a reward. Something similar could be done with the Dal HS where it would give a quest to talk to the NPC that gives it to you (or enables it, so to speak).

Since these are both toys, maybe offer a skip from Ogrimmar and Stormwind to just activate these from the start on alt accounts that previously earned these.


It was certainly a really awful way of wording the patch notes. It implies the old level cap in Chromie time was 60, when it was really 59. A cap implies you can be AT the cap. But Chromie Time boots you when you hit the cap. So the new cap is 60. You get booted at 61.

Yes I’m late.

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I was able to do Chromie time tbc dungeons until 61 on a hunter alt yesterday. I kept requeue after hitting level 60 and everyone had left. It seemed like I could even kept going even after 61 but I was pretty tired for the night and knew after I dropped out to the city I would be booted out and I was.
I kind of wonder if there is a timer after you hit 61 like 5 min or less that it will force you out of Chromie time dungeons :thinking:

Anyway it’s pretty neat one can take chromie time all the way to 61 now helpful for heirloom scaling. :smiley:


Just hit 60 on my blood elf hunter and dropped out of dungeon to orgrimmar and it booted me out of Chromie time with no way to get back in to level to 61 other then dragon flight or maybe bfa .
So note don’t drop from the dungeon finder if your trying to get to level 61 though chromie time :neutral_face:

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Still not working here on Korgath. It says you are still in Chromie time at level 60, but the quest XP is not scaled at all and gives barely a % increase into it, let alone killing mobs.

The only thing that seems to be working is killing Rare mobs gives close to 10% XP only when fully rested, but that is not ideal when you still want to quest.

Please take another look at this.


Agreed. Leveling does not scale for level 60. Also on a side note professions are no longer useful to assist with leveling in DF. Experience gradually declines after about 15 first time crafts. I’ve tested this on a level 60 and 61 just in case the chrome change affected this. Did not see it posted in patch notes, though not sure when the experience dropped.

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This is not correct. you could xp lock and chromie time prior to patch at 59, and would always be booted out at 60 not 59. of which is STILL the case. you can not chromie time at 60 nor 61 in the current patch.

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