[Leveling] Improvements to Chromie Time


During the downtime of 10.0, I started leveling up some new characters for their heritage armor. I love the addition of Chromie Time and find it great that you can choose any expansion to level in. I however feel that there is room for improvement in some areas:

Extend Chromie Time to max level

Leveling through a new expansion is fun, but it is not fun the fourth time you do it. Let us continue Chrome Time all the way to max level and lock the feature either behind the first major patch (for example 10.1) or perhaps completing the campaign on one character

Let max level players enter Chromie Time

I’d love to be able to quest through an entire expansion (for Loremaster or for fun) without being bored that I simply one-shot everything. The scaling is there and available for dungeons/raid while at max level, why not open world?

Add the entire expansion dungeon pool to the RDF

Some expansions (mostly the newer ones) are tiresome to level through if you choose to level via dungeons. Increasing the dungeon pool within the same expansion would improve this. Zul’Aman or Zul’Gurub as an example in Cata.


Actually in the new 10.1.5 PTR you can enter chromie time at lvl 70! :slight_smile:
I didnt check on scaling but from the patch notes, Im guessing they all scale to lvl 61

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Are you sure? My understanding is that the maximum level to enter will be changed to 61 so at 70 you wouldn’t be able to access it.
Me personally I would like the option to use it at max level either by scaling the content to level 70 or scaling my gear down to 61 (or the most suitable level for that particular content).

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I tried it myself on a copy of my lvl 70 main on PTR, I was able to enable chromie time

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  • In 11.0, Dragonflight will become the default leveling experience after Exile’s Reach for new characters, while Battle for Azeroth joins other expansions in Chromie Time, and so players will be able to unlock dragonriding/dynamic flying at a much earlier level than before.
  • They’re still working on whether Chromie Time will go up to 60 and then lead into Dragonflight or all the way to 70.

And we’re back at it again. Why can’t we as players decide where we want to level? Force us to do the current expansion level bracket once and then allow us to level through Chromie Time from 10-max level.

Even more so if they’re gonna force us into Dragonflight at level 60 and then The War Within from 70-80. I sincerely hope they are reconsidering this.

They’re all for player agency but still makes decisions such as these that actively removes it.


Please just do Chromie Time all the way to 70. And while we’re at it, allow Threads of Fate to be activated in Shadowlands so it’s another option for people to level in.

I also think that 10.2 should’ve allowed Chromie Time to go all the way to 70 now for people who want to.


It doesn’t make sense for Chromie Time to be limited to 61 once War Within launches. I leveled in Legion and managed to complete only 1 zone and a little bit of Suramar before sailing to the Dragon Isles. There is plenty of content for Chromie to scale to 71 in the new expansion.

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I agree that Chromie Time could be thoroughly expanded.

I too would love to be able to join Chromie time at a max level character, and have everything with that expansion leveled up to my level so that it can be experienced as it was intended rather than playing a game of “Whack-A-Mole” after reading some text.

Letting players also utilize chromie time to max level would also be an awesome idea, as it can be tedious to level multiple characters through the same storyline multiple times… or possibly as an incentive to not want to utilize chromie time, maybe provide a “Wisdom from the Ages” buff to all alts experiencing the content after your main does the main campaign of the new expansion giving alts a 30% buff to experience gains?

It would also be pretty cool if the ENTIRE dungeon pool was added as an option for players to qeue into while leveling. That way you don’t have to sit there for a long period of time and have the game go “Would you like to expand to all expansions”. It’s just all expansions right out the gate. That’d be cool, and provide a lot of variation to players leveling through dungeons. One dungeon you might be in Cata, the next BfA, the next legion, the next WoD… so on and so forth. It’d be even cooler if every single dungeon from all expansions was on that list.