Leveling Dungeons Evade Bugs

In several classic dungeons we are experiencing evade problems with mobs and bosses.
So far we have encounter mobs bugged in Wailing Caverns, Maraudon, Scarlet Monastery, and Dire Maul.
In Maraudon all of the stone elementals were evading and the final boss was not doing her patting animation.
The worst has been Dire Maul where the treants evaded out meaning we couldn’t kill them before Tendris Warpwood, so they all came to us as we were fighting the boss.
Upstairs the elementals were stuck under the ground, so we would not have been unable to progress to the final boss.
The boss Illyanna Ravenoak and her bear were evading as well as all the mobs around her.


The imp in Dire Maul Warpwood Quarter is also bugged. Well, so is every single enemy mob and boss. Unplayable.


Also experiencing these bugs in some Classic dungeons.


Seems like it’s only classic dungeons


You can add BRD to the list. All mobs around the emperor are bugged.


It may be only a coincidence but one of my groups experienced this and it seemed to be related to Druid dots, at least in that case.

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Coincidence. When it happens, also any ability that targets the ground cannot be used.


Encountered this in Maraudon with the end boss and the entire gauntlet of stone giants all evading us. We had to stack on Princess Theradras and try to stop her evading that way.

Same thing in Dire Maul. Mobs glitching through the floor, bosses evading and resetting HP, teleporting 50ft away and back. We had to bail despite our best efforts.

Real sad, hoping for a fix soon. : (

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I’ve also noticed this, definitely slows down the pacing of these dungeons. Hope it’s fixed soon.

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Seeing the same thing in the same places already stated. Any word on a fix?


Also been noticing this while leveling my druid. Only encountered in classic dungeons.
The 2 worst offenders I’ve noticed are Maraudon and Dire Maul
Edit: Just had Grim Batol dragons bug out. Instead of flying, they just chilled in place


My group for blackrock depths just had to leave a the end because emperor dagran and the whole room of trash mobs evaded like this. Made the dungeon uncomeatable since he’s the last boss.