Leveling Difficulty Changes Incoming

So in a nutshell, if you were EA you got a huge buff unless you were already top 10% in gear in which case you were always going to be OP and still are. Yeah, just as crappy as I thought it was. Not the fix, but the stealth “EXP boosted in dungeons” buff for EA.

It was kind of nice having landscape fights on my tanks and healer not take forever. Oh well, back to the slog, where it takes a long time to kill mobs who are absolutely no threat to a tank or healer.

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I’m not sure what everyone is complaining about. It is a dumb change but you’re still going to burn through normals.

I would suggest casting a chaos bolt at it but see if you can target the dust and not your keyboard.

Thank the streamers who show off the exploits they use.


Not the case for Alts. specially freshly new Alts that you never touched in Dragonflight. You will feel the pain.

Amazing change. This was my only issue with TWW so far. Early levels were a bit boring due to insta killing mobs and not being able to play my class while leveling. Great stuff! :slight_smile:


On the other hand I boosted this character to 70 and with just the gear it had on it enemies died before I could even fully dot them. There was no need to even use my big boy fun cooldowns because things died in the first 2 globals that I was hitting. That wasn’t fun.

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They need to get rid of heirlooms as well. That has always been my stance.

Have you seen the new Darkmoon Decks and the new Crusty Darkmoon Card has 1 card instead of 2. Maybe better gear coming later.

I started when the “poors” did because I was out of town. This sucks for all my alts :frowning:

Bookmark it.

Why would they spend the time even changing it if it wasn’t something pretty impactful. This nerf is going to slow down the alt leveling by a lot.

Instructions unclear. I targeted the keyboard and dusted my chaos bolt.

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Wasn’t the streamers lol. It was literally every person trying to enjoy content that couldn’t that put in a feedback ticket

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MSQ shouldn’t get you to max level… that’s what other quests, dungeons, delves, etc. are for.

if you have df endgame gear… now think of the people leveling a fresh toon that didn’t touch last xpac what do you think their IL will be when they hit current content? nowhere near 480 that’s for sure

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So will they remove the XP gained from anyone who leveled prior to the change?

Yeah, I’m anticipating the firestorm in this thread is going to be proven to have made a mountain out of a molehill. At the end of the day it’s still just leveling, and the impact fades with each level until eventually it’s unchanged by the time 80 is reached.

The very fact that it IS a dumb change is enough reason to complain. There are FAR more important things they could be attending to instead…like the long list of bugs they never bother to address. Further…you can just about bet the bank on the fact that this ‘correction’ will introduce even more bugs.