Leveling Difficulty Changes Incoming

Not yet. Typically, level boosts to the current maximum are introduced on the shop site in the last patch of the expansion, or thereabouts.

Exactly. Announcing what amounts to a leveling nerf the day after it no longer benefits the players that paid extra for it is highly suspect.

That is far too generalized a statement to hold any veracity. Level boosts to the current maximum aren’t introduced until late in the expansion.


At least, it typically is for the first character played in a new expansion…or, for any NEW characters one starts.

There’s something white underneath my keyboard…

That’s not the plan… Shammies are going to be up there as meta with the synergy of their dmg and how hero talents work. They took the DPS pallies were doing and gave it to the shammies since everyone was complaining about it…

Yes, I have seen this in dungeons for sure. The scaling was way off.

It took me about 18 hours to level 70-80 and every fight had me using most of my abilities. Then again BM hunter had a big damage nerf just before EA so I wasn’t surprised. Now I’m just imagining how much fun it will be to level my subtlety rogue after they buff all the mobs. Perhaps I should just wait two weeks when they nerf the mobs because everything is taking to long to kill.


I’ll say this again. The main issue is the timing. This problem has been in the game even during Remix and we all constantly gave feedback on that. Second, they are implementing this change to where EA players benefited more (than usual). They just needed to give non-EA players the same amount of time the EA players had and then implement the change.

Ima go take a nap. cheers all o7


483 not 400 like they said… read the whole message before you offer a stupid reply.

i just want to finish getting to 80 :dracthyr_cry_animated: :dracthyr_cry_animated: :dracthyr_cry_animated: :dracthyr_cry_animated:

LOL who buys a level 80 boost when you can level to 80 within hours. some peoples be rich as hell.

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NO, Not the cream filling! your Keyboard has failed you!

its an estimate. things hit the fan if something unexpected happens that needs to be debugged.

and supposedly the warbank disappearing items is a thing in this down time. which, if it didnt work as intended might require more time than estimated.

worst case, a roll back on the changes has to be made, but i’d assume its more likely they power through it. :thinking:

going over a bit over 10 means they might just over estimate it at 30 more mins.

And you, bookmark this too.

Had you said you leveled at ilvl 400 or close to it I might respect your opinion more. You started the expac 80+ ilvls above the base and complain about it being too easy. It’s just non-sense. It’s supposed to be easy when you outgear the content that much.

Oh, nvm. It’s not white. It’s grey. I’m gonna try poking it.

Complaining about people who have money while you type on a forum for a digital game that you pay for seems a bit meh to me.

So because some fully geared people from the last expansion had an easier time, which logically makes sense, you are not nerfing EVERYBODY’s ability to progress through content? That maybe one of the dumbest things I’ve seen.


You will! It’s going to happen!

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Omg these new change are feeling horrible, I can’t kill anything right now.


Nah, I don’t this I will. I said what I said.

It’s fun but very squishy, you really gotta know your cd’s. I told my husband who has never played that shaman is a class I would never recommend to a new player.