Might break?
To begin with none of this is available until the 10th (M+ and mythic raid later than that).
And Normal dungeons are still going to be faceroll easy.
As an early access person, I can advise you that you don’t really want the same experience. They limited the campaign and it wasn’t very clear (as in blizzard markers) what quests were important and what ones weren’t. It was a little bit like “lost in the woods”. I was able to level to 80 but the story of why we were there was unclear. Now, I’m trying to figure out where to go back and catch it up. I got the “meet the fleet” quest after the early access was done. Then there was a line to follow to get the story.
Oh its already breaking. Just wonder how much is going to be left broke when they finally launch it anyways.
One day generated changes changing massive things are never good.
given they had seemingly zero testing of any combat prior to launch I’m guessing that’s what the extended down time is for, they patched, went in and killed some mobs and realized it was still bad one way or the other.
It might be hilarious, I am kinda excited lol
Scaling has always been an issue. Even in remix you had lvl 10s doing more damage than 60s
Oh, so leveling IS part of the experience right now because they aren’t selling level 80 character boosts. Gotcha.
I meant the level 70 Greens from DF.
You didn’t get any Warband drops from the pre patch event or did you not even do it?
Leveling hasnt been part of the experience since WOTLK… WoWs whole goal changed to trying to skip the leveling process entirely.
I’m a little late to this conversation, but I had to chime in. I was a little skeptical about the stories regarding the scaling and such. And then I finally got around to leveling my primary alt - a holy priest. She was not even 490 ilevel, iirc.
I left her in Holy spec instead of switching to Shadow like I normally do for leveling/outdoor stuff. The stories were not a joke. I was deleting mobs in 2 to 3 casts… in HOLY. Elites were not even a challenge and easily killed. I was rounding up groups of mobs and easily AOEing them down. Not exactly a spec you will see on DPS charts. There was this level 80 Guardian druid doing the Kill 15 Kobolds WQ and I was easily out-DPSing him by miles.
So while I understand the complaints it was a bit crazy.
But why ???
Yes I loved the lvl 20 priests speed running all my alts through dungeons on remix.
In fact, if there’s any actual issue with leveling dungeons right now, it’s really not that low levels are overpowered (largely due to gear that doesn’t drop for 5-6 levels above their level)…it’s that higher levels are underpowered.
not the “vanilla” leveling experience which is given you disingenuous buffoon.
So did they go through with it or not? Looks like they scrapped the maintenance?
You should when your 140 to 200 ilvls above the intended tuning.
yeah well you are a dps/ tank try it as a leveling healer
Hopefully this isnt so extreme that it isolates the large casual player base from enjoying the new content for those who complained. If someone is excited to join wow again and skipped previous content or doesnt have top tier gear, they shouldnt become frustrated by difficult enemies right out of the gate. Whenever you make changes always ask “but does this make the game more fun?” at the end of the day thats what matters.
Yeah but they don’t care about that