Is it supposed to be broken?
I just got to level 10 thinking I could swap over, but I literally have no melee abilities.
I got Kill Shot. That’s it.
And the hilarious part is Kill SHOT requires a melee weapon to use. What?
I know it’s not the biggest issue but the spec is actually unplayable when you unlock specs
That’s why SV went back to crap since 10.0 and seemed to be stuck there for the moment.
Because at level 10 people have kill shot only ?
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You have to understand the background. It’s a plot by the RAND Corporation in conjunction with the reverse vampires. We’re through the looking glass here, people.
I remember when I was this naïve. This is exactly what the true puppet masters want you to think. When you put puzzles pieces together you see this rabbit hole goes far deeper than RAND and reverse vampires.
- survival doesn’t get raptor strike till level 13
- raptor strike has 12 letters in it
- 12 + 13 = 25
- 25 letters in the alphabet
Message received, brother!
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Which alphabet has 25 letters?
the real one. if you open your eyes from the veil of ignorant bliss you will see the truth. remember THEY want you to be confused. THEY want you to think there are 26 letters in the alphabet.
remember, 6 is a demonic number
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Now you’re asking the right questions. Break away from the Matrix
Get to 11, which takes another 5 minutes, and you’ll have kill command. Add another 5 minutes and you’ll be 13 and can get raptor strike. There is no need to go back and fix something the player can address with 10 minutes or less of gameplay.
I apologize, but I don’t know Ogham or any of the Oghamic languages fluently. I’m afraid not all of us here are Old Irish, or Old German…
The Latinized Futhark alphabet also has 25 letters.
h ttps://
The Ogham and Futhark alphabets have 25 letters. Now the latter, because I may have hailed from Saxony ~1500 years ago, I should be able to know of it. But I don’t.
I’m guessing Ghonhir is saying you have to actually be one of the two to understand Survival Hunter spec design. I can go back to Saxony so I qualify. I can’t speak for the others…
Crap? Speak for yourself.
It’s been a burst meta mostly and whatever doesn’t drop anything in a few globals is some degree of garbo. We judge the raceability of a sports car by how fast it does 0-60 MPH. I don’t care what spec we’re talking about, such doesn’t discriminate. Post-Leg SV used to be excellent at one time in 9.2-10.0. That’s not me talking, that’s the meta talking, and what it says, goes.
It can change too. 11.1, 11.2, and so can do it. But I personally wouldn’t care to discuss 10.0 SV, is essentially what I’m arguing.
Why are you bringing up meta in a post about leveling? Every single spec in this game can level with their eyes closed.
The textbook answer from a D.C.S.(Doctorate in Common Sense) is that the leveling doesn’t stop at max character level, but rather item level. You’re theoretically not done leveling until you reach BiS in a season.
You better believe the meta has a part in one’s journey to get BiS after max char level.
Edit: This takes months to do too, btw, not the 1-5 days to get to max level from 1,20, or the previous max level cap. You stop leveling when a) the game says you’re done and not before or b) when you quit. In SV’s case, getting to 80 is the easy part. The hard part is trying to get a Mythic raid slot or get a punched ticket for Arena, and then working the systems every week to get that BiS. For leggos that’s even worse.
You epitomize all that has ever been wrong with the hunter forums, which says a lot… I do enjoy the irony of you mentioning common sense given the incoherent drivel you’ve posted though.
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it’s so entertaining to see what sort of nonsense he rambles about
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“Well said. You’re right, so I’ll reward you by insulting you.”
You’re calling someone wrong whose first MMO was actually this one, the Retail Vanilla. You’re calling it wrong what was actually taught as the correct truth since I started in 1.7. You shouldn’t be here at all, as in, MMOs aren’t for you. Because I once stood in the same place as you being told the exact same thing. This is common sense: what every MMO player knows and understands about the way this genre works.
NOBODY ever believed that the game stopped at max level. Ever! Choosing to quit whenever (like I did) is another thing.
It doesn’t matter if you’re not a Bicmex clone anyway and being one takes more than what the utter vast majority of SV mains got. That says a lot about where the spec really falls short and how it should be designed. So common sense dictates we and Blizzard shouldn’t listen to those who are just going to QQ before BiS, where the real tuning balance happens around.
We all had to learn. With that attitude you would have it handed to you in any endgame content, to include those that don’t matter such as getting farmed in WPvP. That’s why you can be on that toon and do nothing but talk, paying a sub for this chat room service.
That’s between you and Blizz and I’m sure they’re glad to take your money without having to give you much back for it.
jackals cannot go three minutes without bringing up wpvp
I don’t have a translator, do they ever post coherent statements that aren’t rambling drivel?