Leveling as a rogue

Just looking for tips on how to best level as a rogue. I’m putting my points in combat. But I’m unsure as to what weapons and poisons to use. I have a mace in my main hand and sword in off hand. I forgot which poisons I use. So, what weapons in which hand do I need to roll with, and which poisons should go on which weapon? Thanks for all answers in advance.

If I remember right it was combat with 2 swords. Slow in MH and fast in OH. Or maces if mace specced. Slowing poison on off and damage on main hand

I would provide the link if I could but the forums wont allow me. There is an excellent guide on a site called wowisclassic. If you Google wow classic rogue leveling guide, it is the fourth result.

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Yeah I’d do slowing on OH with humanoids and contested zines on a PvP server with instant poison on MH or both otherwise.

If its pve the oh weapon speed doesnt matter. A slow oh only helps proc certain poisons that dont have ppms (cripple and deadly). Those are useful in pvp but not pve. Instant poisons are ppm so wep speed doesnt matter.

In truth it doesnt really matter what your OH is. The best offhands are one that give stats like agi because weapon procs are almost nonexistent thru the offhand. If y go sword specialization the 5% proc works on th oh, and if u go human swords are pretty much bis.

Instant poisons for pve and raiding.

If u dont plan on heavily pvping then swords are the best way to go especially if u cant twink out ur rogue in boes. There are very little good daggers in the game right now and most are expensive boes. Some of the best preraid swords you can get come from quests. In fact the best sword loot from 20-60 are all from quests besides a few hard to get weapons from endgame content.

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if you use the </> button when highlighting a link, the forums will put it into a codeblock you can post links. www.google.com

Generally the best leveling spec will be Combat. Even on a PvP server.

You want to use two swords, especially if you’re Human. For poisons, crippling poison when running dungeons (to stop runners) and use instant poison. Don’t use deadly because the DoT will break gouges you might need to use to flee or bandage.

Once you hit your mid 30s, make sure to do the SM and RFD quests for two extremely powerful swords that will last you a very long time.

Alliance - Sword of Serenity / Vanquisher Sword
Horde - Vanquisher Sword / Sword of Omen

These swords can easily last you until you get your Thrash Blade from Maraudon and then you’ll be set at level 60.


Aaaaye! Thanks!

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I like helping people.

If you’re planning to go swords still try to keep an extra relevant dagger on you to swap to so you can ambush, especially if you’re on a PvP server.

/equipslot 16 Name of sword here
/equipslot 16 Name of dagger here

Also, swapping weapons will trigger the normal GCD, however swapping weapons is not on the GCD, so what I do is open with ambush, immediately use that CP on SnD, and weapon swap as soon as the GCD starts. This effectively “eats” most of the GCD you trigger from swapping weapons.

Also also, weapon swapping does not break stealth, and neither does applying poisons. You can also apply poisons to weapons in your bags.

I’ve been putting all my points in Combat so far and using sword MH dagger OH so far just to keep them both leveled. Been thinking about swapping to an ambush build in around 40, but that’s when you can get 2 really good swords as well so I’m debating. I just wanna dick around with ambush on a PvP server once I can get enough talent points.

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I am an 18 rogue, so by no means a expert. But I’ve done a lot of research which has taught me -

Swords - Fastest for levelling. Focused more on head-on combat using Sinister Strike rinse and repeat. Some say this is a bit tedious due to the lack of abilities you will use, but it is the fastest way to get to 60 if you solo a lot and you’re ok with the sinister strike spam. You will also find swords a lot more than other weapons, so gearing up is faster too.

Daggers - Needed for Backstab and Ambush abilities. Uses stealth more as an opener when soloing. If you love crits and fast weapons speeds with lots of stabby animations, this build has a cool visceral feel to it. Also, if you group a lot, this build can work decently as the tank will aggro your target so its back is facing you. I use daggers currently and enjoy it a lot so far - I find it plays on what rogues are about. But, I can see how it is slower to level overall. Not to mention, daggers aren’t often found as loot, so gearing up is slower/more expensive. But, if you’re in for the journey more than the destination, don’t overlook this spec.

Maces - Not considered too viable largely because the number of maces out there that provide the stats, and the lack of talents that directly affect maces, are limited. Apparently there are some high level maces to be obtained which allow for some punch, but is is overall considered a fun build and not ideal for levelling.

Weapon Speed - Rogues have a lot of abilities that do a % of your main weapon damage. So if you like using those abilities in your playstyle, you should try to use a heavier/slower weapon in your main hand. Swords > Daggers for this.

Talents - Regardless of swords or daggers, the Combat tree is the main talent build across most playstyles, and Assassination is the secondary tree. I hear some re-spec to have more Subtlety once they hit 60 to spicen up playstyle. Once PvP battlegrounds hit, Subtlety will also become more interesting too.

Hit classic wowhead or icyveins on the net, and you’ll find some solid talent builds with info on each talent - things you may think are not so useful at first glance are in fact pretty sweet.

Poisons - I can’t comment much on as I’m not there yet. But lots of info on the net. I have heard that it is not true that poison proc is based on weapon speed. Instead, it has it’s own global timer - so don’t worry about putting a fast weapon in your offhand with the goal of getting more poisons to hit.

Happy stabbing.

Google oto’s rogue guide.

I spec into 11/12/11. This build has everything. For the rest of the levels I’ll just start dumping down combat. I don’t recommend a weapon spec because the best for your level isn’t always going to match. I would also recommend relentless over adrenaline. 25e off every mob vs a 5m CD. Ghostly is also fantastic due to 20s CD. You can use it once or twice every mob.

Go combat riposte sword spec. Then use a slow sword with a high value for top end dmg in your main hand and a fast sword for poison application in your off hand.

The reason you are using two swords is bifold. First, they have the best weapon progression of all weapon types. Thus you can always have a level equivalent or better sword. Nothing is as important as your weapons. Second, you are going to get Sword spec from the combat tree, which gives a chance on hit with a sword to get an extra swing. You also should get Thrash Blade for your main hand. It’s easy to get and relatively early - especially since this is arguably PreBiS for raiding and you use it for all of P2 raiding. If you can get Hand of Justice from Angerforge in BRD, which you should, you get another chance on hit. This means that you can be getting massive amounts of multiswings. Couple that with windfury and you are top dps class for all of P2. I have literally multishot other classes at my level in good gear and killed them instantly before.

Your Sinister Strike (ss) relies on the dmg value of your main hand sword, which is why you want it slow with high damage. You’re pumping out SS anyways, so the speed isn’t needed and high top end dmg means you hit harder with it.

A fast off hand helps with poison application, since poison is a lot of your dmg. Since you miss a lot of your offhand strikes, the more overall hits you put down range the more likely your poison hits.

On the topic of poisons: instant poison on both weapons and always learn the highest rank you can for this. The other poisons are basically only used in PvP. Instant has the highest immediate dmg, and improves dps the most. Even fully raid spec’ed out on my rogue, poison is usually my 3rd or 4th highest percentage of dmg using pure instant. You won’t have time to get stacks of deadly on mobs and get your full dmg output from it. In fact, I don’t like it for PvP really either because it breaks. gouge and blind, but that’s a side note.

While leveling use your cds as often as possible. If Blade Flurry and Adrenaline Rush is up, you can take 3-4 mobs of your level. The use BF when its up again, then BF and AR and cycle as such. I like to use evasion as well with BF and AR and can basically pull whatever. If you’re an orc, pop Blood fury whenever you pop Blade flurry.

Always always always have flash powder on you, if you can buy a stack of 20 fadeleaf as well. It’s cheap and will last you a long time. 1 fadeleaf = 3 blinding powder. Blind is your best friend for the tricky moments.

Use this
