Leveling a protection warrior in Classic?

Hey guys, so I wanted to ask a question about leveling a protection warrior in classic. So I have heard that warriors are the slowest and hardest class to level in Vanilla wow back then but it is even slower if you are leveling a protection warrior while also playing solo. I started out in Retail WoW back in the beginning of Wrath and remember making a gnome warrior which eventually became my Main Danju and leveling while switching between 2 handed weapons and sword and shields.

Another problem that makes me think is the talents that I will build up while leveling for example, I do not know if it would be a good idea to put most of my talents into protection instead of arms which will make me deal less damage. Lastly, I do not know if this is true but did people put their talent points into arms or fury and then tanked using a 1 hander and shield? I honestly can’t remember since it has been a very long time.

Any tips or help is greatly appreciated!

That is what I recommend.

I leveled arms I don’t recall the exact spec but definitely get sweeping strikes and yes you can tank as arms up to 50-60 stuff. If your taking a lot of damage with a 2h swap to 1h + shield you don’t need to be specced prot. but be sure to keep leveling your 1h skill while leveling you dont want to find yourself at level 50 and swap to your 1h sword and miss 95% of your swings

Again if ur a tank in arms and well the healer is shadow trying to heal both fail.

Ppl will say u can tank as arms, which is true and some ppl will say you can heal with dps spec with healing gear. That is also true.

If both are offspecs instead of the correct spec for the roles. Guess what will happen?



You are fine 1-60 to heal and tank in off spec no problem


what you say is true, only if you approach classic with the same gogogo faceroll aoe tank brainless mentality that is the norm in retail wow.

Use some thought, planning, CC, LoS pulls etc and you will get through all non-60 dungeons just fine with both healer and tank being offspec.

shhhhh I hunting wabbits I once heard that someone dual boxed an arms warrior and holy priest in all their dungeon runs leveling 1-60 shhhhh it’s a secret. it’s fine 1-60 dungeons are not hard as long as you play smart if I could both tank and heal and nobody noticed or at least didn’t complain.

So, I don’t recommend leveling up as Prot - your damage will be so low that your mitigation won’t matter. If for w/e reason you absolutely must be Prot, be sure to get Imp. Revenge because it’s the most OP stun in the game, 3s no DR and can be cast every time you dodge/block/parry.

You should level up as Arms if you want 1-60 to be smooth. You can even tank in that spec, Warriors don’t need any Prot talents to tank. That’s how good we are. If you want the game to be even easier for you, get into melee cleave groups which are basically Warrior AoE parties for dungeons.

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