Leveling 60-70 feels like a chore

So, I don’t know any techniques or methods people use to level super fast, but I feel that leveling my alts from 60 to 70 feels like it’s a chore. I normally have no complaint about leveling alts, but the fact I can only level in Dragonflight content, and i’ve done each zone and dungeon countless times across several alts, it’s just become so boring now.


Yes, that happens after ~2 years.

Wait a few weeks. When pre-patch hits, the experience required to go from 60-70 is being cut roughly in half and you’ll be able to level to 70 in any zone (via Chrome Time).

Edit: Oh, and my usual method for leveling when I’m tired of questing in the latest zones is to wait for Timewalking week. Fast levels for quick dungeon runs.

The tokens are on sale. You can get three for a reasonable price.

Levels should have stopped at 60.


I’ve deleted and remade a few alts in the 55-60 range in Remix, so I could level them faster and for the bronze rewards. Outside of that, I stopped doing quests in DF probably a couple months ago, as far as alts go. As much as I enjoyed leveling in DF and the quest chains, doing so in my 15th alt is boring now, so any left in the 60-70 range I just run timewalking dungeons when they come around. /shrug

all my alts are around level 60-63. only a handful are at level 70.

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I’ll finish up who I need to after pre-patch. They are cutting the xp needed for 60-70 by like 75%

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Look up 2 hour to 70 in mop remix on you tube. Just level a bunch of guys and wait until remix ends. They’ll be ready for TWW.

i don’t want to do remix. i’m not remaking all my level 60s there. i’ve just been trying to get them to 70 so i can more comfortably solo older raids, especially trying to solo Legion and BfA ones for transmogs

I only did Remix enough to get the exclusive stuff there, and i got bored fast with it

You could level a character with archaeology? (I did)

(I have a sneaky suspicion that might not appeal to you though)

YouTube and google both work :smiley:

They need to make Chromie time scale to max level at a certain point during an expansion. Limiting us to just the same zones the entire time sucks, and frankly is a waste of all their previous content. I think it should be one of the perks from unlocking adventure mode. But even if they just added it in like the .2 patch that would be amazing.

Me, I have not enjoyed leveling in either SL or DF. Whereas Legion and BfA, I loved them. I levelled so many alts. BfA is my all time favourite leveling experience. I hope TWW is a return to form and I love leveling through its zones. But I’d still love some options. Especially now with the plethora of new alts I’ve leveled in remix.

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Time walker dungeons when they are up :coffee:

While I prefer DF leveling, this is a good idea.

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100% agree on the adventure mode comment. Just let us play all the old content when we want to.

i wouldn’t mind being able to level in old content to 70 either… i enjoy the BfA zones, mainly Alliance side, but it would also just be nice to do old world content to 70 (so many zones i havent quested in in years that i wanna touch again)

While main questing for the dozenth time can be tedious, it seems quickish.

Darkmoon faire rollercoaster gives a 10 percent buff and they also have a hat for when that buff wears off so you don’t have to go back right away to Darkmoon. The buffs do not stack.

A couple weeks ago I rolled a new alt just to play through BFA again. Loved the zones and stories in that expansion.

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I think world quests/dailies are a part of this, since a lot of world quests are just things we did while leveling, and now we do them again.

Used to be that you only saw the quests once per character, as you leveled. Now you see them over and over again on your main(s), so they’re just a chore by the time you do them while leveling your alts.

isn’t like two dungeon runs equal one level ?