Leveled alt to 60 and no option to pick covenant now

My guildmates and I just spent 7-8 hrs leveling through Necrotic Wake dungeon only to hit 60 with no option to pick our covenant. It said that we could switch from campaign to threads of fate “at any point” and did not make any indication of having to do it before hitting 60. Consequently, four of us are now unable to get the quest to pick our covenants. How do we fix this issue?


You need to do all the campaign quests before you can pick a covenant. It’s not enough to reach 60 if you have skipped those quests.

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We did the campaign on our main characters already, all the way through.

I am also having this problem. These were our second characters. We assumed that we could choose to change to Threads of Fate after reaching 60 but we were not able to get the quest to switch.

That simply gives you the option to choose the Threads instead of leveling the traditional way. Hitting level 60 removes the option to join a covenant immediately, so you need to go through the motions again.

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This is an old thread but I’m posting just in case someone does this same thing.

You don’t have to do all the covenant campaigns. Just talk to Roh-tahl and even though you’re level 60 already, pick Threads of Fate.
Complete quest, then you’ll be able to choose your covs.


I’m so glad you did Catatonic 'cos I was very hesitant to click the ‘Thread of Fate’ option because I’ve hit so many broken quests in this expansion I feared another road block.

This is just another of the asinine parts of the 10-60 I’ve enjoyed (endured) going through Pandaria to 50, where what you normally would see doesn’t happen, this is just another … there’s no damned reason why hitting 60 on an alt who played the campaign shouldn’t OFFER you the chance to pick the Covenant the moment you hit 60, without requiring you to realise this is the way you’re supposed to do it.

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THANK YOU! Ugh I was going nuts. This post needs to be pinned to the top of this conversation. You rock Catatonic!

As of 8/2023 this is still The Way. Thank you so so much!

I found your post after my alt hit 60 and running around Oribos trying to figure out who to talk to about covenants because the covenant NPCs were not in The Enclave.