Level up raids - What are the Lowest level for entry?

Hi, I’m having trouble finding out what the lowest level is nowadays to enter level up raids? Like yes, the lowest level for entry even if we’re useless lol, basically getting carried by some level 60 guildies :slight_smile:


Can anyone provide clarity on these three? Even if you only know FOR SURE the answer to 1-2 of these, would really appreciate it! <3

I know that BFD is a hard 25 requirement, but can’t say for sure about the others

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I believe they are Hard minimums that were in place when they were current.

BFD - 25
Gnomer - 40
ST - 50

Gnomer is definitely in the mid to low 30s from what a guildie told me when he went in last week, he just wasn’t sure the exact number. So far the lowest I’ve heard was 35, but curious if anyone got in any lower? I wish WoWhead still had level up entry raid info in plain links with updated info lol

You need to be level 25 minimum for BFD. For Gnomer, you can get in I believe as early as level 25 (just carried my level 27 druid through it yesterday). Unsure on the exact level for Sunken Temple, but I recall people entering it at 45 in some carry runs that I’ve been in.

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