Level 80 Boost Price

Has Blizzard ever dropped the price for level boost during previous expansions? $60 is pretty steep. At $60, you might as well get the $79.99 bundle with the 30 day game time which I’m sure isn’t a coincidence.

I am pretty sure it’s been 60 bucks since the first boost came out in retail forever ago. But in all honesty, with the changes in Cata, why bother paying for a boost? The leveling experience is much better, and much faster. Just level a toon.


I wouldn’t be surprised if 60 remains the price. Probably will go on sale from time to time so the smart buyer would wait for those windows. Obviously these windows are unlikely to line up with launch times etc because they want you to buy the upgrade bundle which in a way is a cheaper boost because you get some other things as well. If you are into those sort of things of course.

I have 3 level 80’s ready to go plus i leved a toon from 1-85 during the beta. I don’t mind leveling another toon but honestly I don’t care for the 60-80 grind (even though they mentioned speeding those levels up).

Yeah, I was a bad kid, I level four toons 1-80 on the live servers, have a bunch of alts in the 60-70 range, and on Beta, I leveled 4 toons to 60, but didn’t go through outlands and NR on em again >.< so they are still at low 60’s on Beta, and then I just copied my 80’s in to go 80-85 on the beta.

The math isn’t mathing.
30 days = $15
79.99 - 60 = 19.99
So you think people should just pay an 5 bucks? Why…

It’s implied that I’m stating the $5 is worth all the extra BS in the bundle.

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It was a gamble on what the town in a box toy does. If it has NPCs that function as far as vendors and anvil. im cool with paying $5 to have access to that on toons without engineering