Level 35…now what?

Night elf for the Alliance here…I completed my quest play up to level 35 and realized that I was too high a level for the area I was playing in. Someone suggested I go to Stormwind in order to start more quests that are “level appropriate”. Does everyone agree with this? I’m just not sure where to go & how to pick back up with my quests.

Didnt got it. How u out leveled a zone at lvl 35?

Are u on dragonflight or classic/wotlk?

Because on dragonflight the quests/mobs scales lvl with your level up to level 60(except starting areas)

enjoy leveling while it lasts the endgame rat race is coming

"Hello an’ greetin’s to ye. If’n ye go to tha Dwarven disctrict o’ Stormwind take the back exit ou’ towards tha lake. Ou’ there ye will fin’ a tiny wee Gnome lookin’ person named Chromie.

If’n ye talk to ‘em they’ll tell ye about time walkin’ an’ ye can choose the appropriate levels fer ye an’ zone ye want ta do. So ye can tell ‘em ye want to do Cataclysm an’ it shoul’ scale yer zones better to ye levels. I’d also suggest that ye do Legion long enough ta git yer hearthstone ta Dalaran an’ same for Draenor ta git started on ye garrison since it has lots o’ buildin’s an such ta help ye out includin’ a pet managerie if’n ye like pet battles an’ such.

I ‘ope I ‘elped ye out. ‘Ave a wonderful weekend an’ stay safe ou’ there. Now where did I put me mug o’ ale at?"