I have a level 19 Warrior I wanted to do some WSG on, so I could grab some basic Honor gear. I understand that PVP is almost entirely AV at 60 now, but queueing is showing a 5 minute wait at level 19, compared to Undefined (?) wait times on my other characters below 60. I can’t get in a game at 19 though.
Is this just a few premades at level 19? Any idea on where this community is gathering, if there is such a thing?
Thanks for replying! I don’t think it’s centered on the Mankrik cluster, where I’m playing, so I made a bunch of level one characters on the other clusters. Then I did a /who Warsong Gulch in each cluster, but it was only turning up 60s.
I’d love more info from anyone who has it, but I’ll keep checking on Mankrik in the meantime.
The most important thing is participation by both sides, so some of the people will have to start toon on both sides to attempt to stimulate the growth.
Replying here to say that I managed to play two (longer) WSGs at 19 on my warrior today. Joining the discord really helped, and shout out to the people on Mankrik cluster who joined after I asked in Trade, and after a few whispers to people on the /who 18 and /who 19 lists.
Anyone who’s interested should ask to join the Warlords of Warsong guild on the Whitemane cluster. If you’re not on Whitemane, getting in the Discord worked great for me. The biggest barrier just seems to be getting more Alliance to queue.